Vowing Revenge 3

"What is that sound? "

"What sound? I don't hear anything."


I swear I heard someone yelling. Anyway, what's the current condition? "

Jack's father who was talking to his wife strained his ear one more time to try to listen the sound again, but he got nothing.


"Bad, very bad! He is being kept alive by machines and drugs. The wounds he received were to much for his old and frail body to handle and the possibility of recovery is slim ro none. Doctor gave him 2 more days tops."

"Is there really no other way? We have to try anything that's possible to keep him alive for as long as possible.

He is my father and it's my duty to do everything in my power to for him. "

"I don't think....

*tap tap

The sound of hurried footsteps cut their conversation short.

"Hey what are you doing, you can't run on the hallways!


The footsteps got closer and closer and the voice of a man shouting for someone to resounded on the hallways.

Three seconds later the figure of a young man turning the corner was seen . He was running like he was beeing chased by a wild animals.

The young man was Jack.

"Jack, what is going on?Why are you running?

Did something happen?"

"Hah hah...no it's not... that.

Father, I need to see grandpa right now! It can't wait."

"What did you just say? Repeat that again?"

James, Jack's father looked stunned at his sons sudden request and couldn't believe his ears.

"Are you out of your mind? Why are you being so selfish in this situation?

I know that you may have been upset by what I told you not long ago, but you can't throw tantrums like a little child as you please ."

"Please, dad I'm begging you.."

"Didn't you hear me! I said...

"Honey, people can hear us!"

"So what? Should I keep my mouth shut then?"

"I didn't say that, but it's better to just let him go. It's his grandfather too."

James stared at his wife's face with an angry look like he wouldn't accept what she just said, but his wife was not backing off either.

"Stop staring!

It is his right to meet his grandfather one last time. Do you want to deny him that?"


Why are you putting words in my mouth? That's not what I said at all."

"Dad, please!"

James rubbed his forehead and alternated between staring at his wife and his son.

"This is not fair!

You have put me in a situation where if I refuse I'll look like the bad guy. Did you two plan this beforehand?"

"Of course not. How can you say such a thing?"

"Look, this is what I was talking about! I'm the bad guy now."

"Stop trying to look like the victim here and decide.

So, what are you going to do?"



*beep* * beep* *beep*

The monitor at the side of the bed beeped constantly . It's repeatedly beeping sound was stinging to Jack's ears.

*Khhhhh* *Kahhhhh*

The ventilator beside it also worked constantly trying to keep the old man in front of Jack breathing.


*Beep* *Beep*

Jack tried to say something to his unconchious grandfather, but he couldn't find the right words to describe what he was feeling right now.

Was it worry, hope or even resignation?

"I don't know what to say to you right now as im not that much of a talker, but I promise you that when I come back you will have opened your eyes and with those two eyes you will see the gift I'll have prepared for you."

He grabbed the frail old hand of his grandfather, opened it and put a simple blue ring in his palm, before closing it shut again.

"You hold tight to this for now. It will help you very much so don't lose it.

I promise you will get better."

He continued to talk some more to his unconchious grandfather before leaving content . It felt like a huge load was lifted from his shoulders.

*Beep beep*


"Are you satisfied now son? Are there any other things you would like to have?"

" ....

Yes, I'm satisfied."

"You know why I didn't want you to see your grandfather ?"


" You may not understand it right now , but you you soon will.

The reason is because this will be your last memory of him and everytime you try to remember you will see him at deaths door. The...

"Hmph, I don't think so!"

"Where are you going now?"

"Going to get me some bear stew."

'Bear stew? What the hell is this boy talking about?'


Jack was now back at his house. He had walked back again with his two feet.


He opened the front door and it made it's usual creaking sound.

'Im tiered! '

"You're back!"

As he was about to go upstairs t take a rest his cousin came over running.

"Yes I'm back."

'What is she still doing here?'

His cousin was staring at him like he was an alien.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?"

"Did you really go to the hospital on foot and came back?"

"What of it?"

"You're lying!

It's not possible! My boyfriend is on the track team and even he can't do that let alone you."

"Bah, what does that matter? If you want to believe it or not it's up to you. I'm not going to stay here to argue with a kid."


I'll have you know that I'm 16 years old."

"Yeah and I'm older than you so if I say you are a kid , you are a kid."

"Is that so?

Well I bet you are still a virgin while I on the other hand already have a very hot boyfriend ."

*Twitch twitch*

Jack eyelids twitched uncontrollably from that statement. It was a low blow.

'Why this little...

If only you were a guy.'

"Little kid, I'm going to go somewhere for a while so if someone calls tell them I'm taking a shower or something like that."


I don't care at all."