Looting and Entering 2

The black figures surrounded the house on all sides in a swift and organized manner showing that they were no ordinary people who were doing a prank but professionals.

The black figures each took a position and the waited there without making any noise. Their dark figures casted ominous shadows around the house. They were all wearing black tactical suits you would see on SWAT, but the uniform definitely seemed more streamlined and futuristic. The tactical suits protected all their body including their head and from the looks of it they were all armed from head to toe with different kinds of weapons. Their faces were covered making this look like they were raiding the house of a dangerous terrorist and we're in high alert.


Were in position."

One of the black figures spoke quietly while pressing his finger to his ear slightly.


Understood, wait for further instructions."


Got it,over and out."

After the man received the order he did some hand signs to the others around him and they then conveyed it to each other one by one .


Inside the house that was just surrounded, two young men who had no idea of what was happening just outside their front door were staring at a big pile of money.

"Damn, that's a lot of cash money if you ask me. I bet that you could by a lot of shit with it."

One of the young men that was in the room exclaimed in excitement. He was a skinny white male in his early twenties with black curly hair, brown eyes and a unshaven face. He was about 180 cm tall, wore cargo shorts and only wore a tank top loosely over his skinny frame.


The young man was intently staring at the pile of ones, tens an hundreds that littered the glass table before him like waste paper while periodically scratching his neck.

"So what?"

The other male inside the house spoke back in an angry tone. He was sitting on the couch and the table full of money was next to it. He unceasingly smoked cigarettes making the whole room hazy . He was a tall ,buff,bald dude with tattoos all over his arms, but the most distinct one was a swastika on his shoulder.

"What we gonna do with the money? Do we leave it here or are we gonna find a safe place to stash it. I know a good place to stash it in...

As the skinny guy was explaining where they should take the money the bald dude suddenly lost it.



The tattooed man without warning just flipped the table making the money fall all over the floor.

"What the hell dude! Why you do that?"

The skinny guy fell to the floor as he was scared by the sudden outburst , but when he saw all the money on the floor he forgot everything and started to franticly collect all the money. He looked like a mad person trying so hard to get all the rolls of money while the other man just stared at him in anger.

The money that the skinny guy was gathering looked disheveld ,but it was neatly arranged into rolls held together with a rubber band. It clearly wasn't money taken from the bank.



As the skinny guy was collecting the money on the ground a kick threw him to the side. The tattooed man had kicked the skinny guy who was collecting the money out of the blue on the head.

"You f*cking junkie. I shouldn't have listed a single word your lying dirty mouth spouted. Now look at how things have gone to shit and it's all your fault.

You lied to me and said that there were going to be only three guys tops protecting the house , but instead what do I find .


The skinny guy was kicked again.

You lying piece of shit ! There were ten f*cking people."

"I didn't know I swear, I swear."


"Yeah right , you lying piece of dog shit. Do you really understand the shit storm that's going to happen when Hans discovers that someone stole more than 200000 dollars from him. He'll find out it was us and when he does, he'lls the both of us alive."

"I swear I didn't...

He hit the skinny guy repeatedly leaving him no time to recover.

"Stop, stop hitting...me..

The skinny guy had no means to retaliate so he just curled up in a ball and took all of it.

"F*ck, you're not even worth it."

After a minute l the tattooed guy seemed to have been satisfied kicking the living shit out of the skinny guy and sat down again on the couch lighting another cigarette.

'I have to get the hell out of here as soon as possible, but where do I go?

Should I go to Mexico?

Yeah, that's a pretty good idea. I just have to get a new identity and with this money I could live like a king there and...

Right as he was finishing his thoughts the sound of glass breaking was heard and something small rolled to the tattooed man's leg.

"Huh ,what..


The small object exploded in a while flash which completely disoriented him. He couldn't open his eyes and he could only hear a buzzing sound.


A minute earlier outside the house with one of the men dressed in black.


Order has been given. Try to take the target alive, but if it doesn't work out lethal force is authorized."

"Roger that, over and out."

He did one single hand sign to the one beside him and he imediately threw something through the window.

A small explosion was heard 1 second later.


"Move out."

The leader shouted and all of them rushed the house at the same time from different directions.


' What's happening?'

The tattooed man didn't know what had hit him until he finally regained some of his vision and saw several men dressed like SWAT before him.

He was confused. Why were they here and what is going on?

"On the ground , now."

"Down on the ground."

He froze in fright . More than ten guns were pointed at him and he could clearly see that those were not roy guns.

'F*ck I'm not going to prison again. No I can escape! '

"F*ck you!"



The man disregarded the order of the man before him and kicked the glass table towards him with all his strength and dashed to the side like a cheetah. His speed and agility were incredible.


The table hit one of the men, but not before all the others opened fire and hit nothing.

"Shit, chase him! Don't let him escape."

The tattooed man ignored the shouts behind him and rushed towards the kitchen with all his strength , but stopped when he saw another one the black dressed men .


The man raised his gun to shot him, but he was punched by the tattooed man in his chest which then rushed towards the fridge.

"Ill kil you all, Aaaaa...

His muscles bulged to twice their normal size and he hugged fridge bringing it up before running towards the ones who shoot at him before.



He came screaming , hit two of them this time slamming them hard with the fridge and in the commotion jumped through the window before running at full speed .

His running figure was like that of an olympic runner as he ran as fast as the wind.

' Holy shit, holy shit..

I'm alive..

His happiness thought was cut short as he only managed to run for about 20 meters before his victory run came to an end.


A gunshot was heard and the tattooed man hit the asphalt like a sack of potatoes.

" Bzzzz...

Target neutralized."


Good job eagle 2, the rest retrieve the body."

As he lay there in a pool of his own blood he had only one question.

' What the hell just happened?'


In a minute all the black dressed men surrounded the dead body from all sides and started talking about what had happened.

"What the hell was that? Did you see the same thing I saw?"

"Yeah , this f*cker rushed at us with a fridge, a f*cking fridge."

The started cussing at the dead body , but a stern voice interrupted them.

"Al of you shut up! You, go check if he's really dead."

The leader ordered one of his men to check the tattooed man's pulse, but that wasn't necessary.

" TE ER ...

The supposed dead body raised his hand and spoke two words, just two words...



All the people around were stunned.The man who was about to check the body now had no body. A transparent blade of energy had cut his head clean off.


What followed was a storm of bullets.