Looting and Entering 3

"Hah hah hah...

Shit, shit, shit SHIIIIIIT!"

One of the men exclaimed in anger after unloading all his ammo onto the body of the tattooed man.

"This is....

The smell of burnt flesh wafted in the air and into the noses of the ones around bringing a nauseating feeling from the bottom of their stomach. They had just unloaded all their bullets into the tattooed man's body and turned him into anything but human.

The rain of bullets had turned his body into just a mangled piece of unrecognizable flesh and bones scattered all over the asphalt haphazardly.

"Is he dead?"

One of the man asked with a hushed voice, but anyone one that therewas no way that he was alive anymore, but after seeing what had happened to their friend they didn't let their guard down.

"What the hell just happened here. Dave just.. just...


"Hey, talk to me and tell me that I'm dreaming. Please tell me this is just a bad dream."

No one answered because no one wanted to admit it. What they had just seen was indeed reality and not a dream as the decapitated head of their friend layer on the ground with it's eyes open staring at them was them.

That was the undisputable truth. The red liquid that pooled at the neck of their comrade was blood and no tomato juice.

"Ugg ugg *blergh*...

Hah hah hah....

One of them couldn't handle it anymore and vomited inside his mask.

"Everyone stay calm."

The leader said between deep breaths. He wanted to seem calm and collected to his underlings , but his shaky voice told otherwise.

"What the hell are you talking about? Calm?

You want us to stay calm after Dave was just decapitated out of the blue? F*cking answer me, damnit!"


As the leader was about to answer several big black vans surrounded them. The vans had no markings,no license plate number and all their windows were tinted so you couldn't see from outside.


The doors of the vans imediately opened and out came more than 20 people dressed in what looked like hazmat suits. The had also had several cases on their hands which rattled as they walked.

"Stop right there!

Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?"

The ones that wore hazmat suits were threatened at gunpoint , but the didn't react at all and just continued.


The situation became heated. The ones dressed in black had just experienced something horrifying so their nerves were on edge. Their fingers trembled on their gun triggers and with only minimal effort bullets would fly out again.

It only needed one spark.

"Hey guys, how about we have a little talk?"

In this tense situation a calm voice came from the back startling them.

"Who are you?"

One of the black dressed men turned back and pointed his gun at the one who spoke.

"Whoa whoa, calm down big guy , we don't want for you to get hurt, do we?"

The one who just arrived was a young man who looked about 25 years old dressed in a black suit. He was tall ,had neatly combed blonde hair, blue eyes and wore a mocking smirk.

"You might want to have a look around and think about your next actions well."

The black clothed man was surprised by the young man's words at first and looked towards the other members of his team and saw that half of them had a red laser dot on their head.

"What is going on?"

"Hey what's wrong? "

He was about to answer his teammates, but the young man beat him to it.

"I'll tell you what's going on.

More than five higly trained snipers have aimed their sights at you so there lies the question; What are you going to do?"

The young man smiled.

He was taunting them, playing with them and his face showing no fear of dying.


The young man suddenly started counting.



He was about to say three, but a red lazer passed by his eyes and distracted him. He threw a look at the distance and his smile faded.

"Fun hating bastards! Okay, I'm going I'm going. This is no fun anymore."

He then just turned back and walked away like nothing had happened leaving all the people around in bafflement.


The order to retreat has been given."

Right as the young man left the team leader received the retreat order, but he didn't move.


This is a god damn direct order. Don't even think of not complying."


What about Dave's body?"


It's already been solved. You just get the hell out of there ASAP."

The leader looked around for a second and decided that retreating was wise.


The team leader shouted and although there were some complaints they still left slowly with anger in their eyes.


Inside one of the vans a middle aged man with a stern face and wide glasses speed dialed a number on his phone.

"Hello, who's this?"

A young voice answered the phone a second later. It was the voice of the young man from before.

"Stop playing games with me. We had a deal. "

"Oh,I don't know what you're talking about?"

"I'm warning you, you better stay in line or..

"Or what?

I'll tell you what you will do. You will take the phone in your hand and shove it up your hairy uptight ass starting....NOW!"

*Beep beep beep*

The phone call was cut.
