Haunting Screams 5

Jack continued on his way back ignoring the words of the goat head.

'Yeah I think I'll just go back and hunt some more bats instead of this shit. I didn't think that this dungeon would turn out to be so creepy.

I thought that I would only have to fight against some ghost or something along those lines , but instead before I even enter it i encountered this....


Jack raised his head expecting to see a bat rushing at him, but instead he saw something completely different.


In front of Jack appeared a gate, a black iron gate. It's black rusted exterior that looked like the gates of hell brought a chill to Jack's spine. Unknowingly he had wondered back to the mansions gate.


"Hehehe, you can't run, you can't hide, so you must choose between each side. "

*Babum Babum*

Jack's heart started to beat faster and faster as it was coping with the sudden stressful situation.

' Why am I back again? I'm sure that I was moving towards the opposite direction so..


"Front or back, white or black."

"Yeah yeah....

He got no answer instead what he got was only the stupid babbling of the goat head. The goat headed handles eyes were now shining a sinister crimson demonic light.

"Hahaha, choose carefully."

' Why am I back to the mansion? I clearly didn't want to enter inside the mansion in order to avoid such a thing , but I'm back where I was.

Shit! Was I or am I under some kind of illusion? If so how can I break it and escape?'

As his thoughts were racing inside his head he decided to get some answers. He looked at the smiling goat head and pointed his finger at it.

"Is this your doing?"

"Hehehe...front or back, white or black."

"Yeah yeah...

"Stop talking bullshit and answer me right now! Is this your doing?"


If it is, what are you going to do about it?"

The goat head didn't confirm or deny anything , but it clearly provoked Jack with it's mocking words.

"Good, good...

'Liquid Body Arrow'

Jack in an angered state raised his other hand towards the iron gate and created a blood arrow.

"What am I gonna do you say?

Oh, I'm just going to turn you into scrap metal and then from that scrap metal I'm going to fashion a c*ck ring before selling it on the internet for a Big Mac and fries.

THAT'S, what I'm going to do to you!"

The goat head was a little surprised at Jack's unexpected outburst. It's carved iron face was hard to read but you could clearly notice the confusion on it .

"I didn't understand half of the things that you just said, but you're welcome to try."

"Yeah yeah....

"Fine then I'll just have to..

Jack prepared to attack , but a gut feeling stopped him.

'This feeling...

It's like I'm facing a dangerous predator. I'm sure that if I attack the gate....'

A feeling of extreme danger was oozing out of the gate.

"What is it? Are you chickening out after all that boosting you just did?


' Is the taunting of the goat head just a clever trap? Does it want for me to really attack it or is it a bluff?

Ughh...I don't know shit about anything anymore. '

As Jack was wracking his brains about what to do the goat head and rat head watched him in silence. They just looked like ordinary carved handles and not something out of the beauty and the best, but if it's genre was horror.

"Are you finished thinking what are you going to do?

Front or back, white or black.


"Wait a minute!"

Jack remembered something and took his phone out. He had hidden it inside his gambeson and had it hung by a chain from his neck.

[ Initiating....

Conditions have been met...

Discovered hidden stage 'Curse Origin'.....

Do you want to enter hidden stage'Curse Origin'...

'Yes' 'No'


If you refuse to enter hidden stage 'Curse Origin' you will loose the ability to encounter this stage again. ]

Jack eyes widened in shock.

'A hidden stage? 'Curse Origin' ?There is something like this also?'

"Front or back, white or black."

The goat heads riddle was heard again.

' Wait! Is this referring to the hidden stage?Front or back, white or black...

Does that mean that if I enter the hidden stage I'll gain something good and if I retreat I'll loose on something good or am I overthinking it? Either way, I'm not sure what condition I have fulfilled to be able to make the hidden stage appear , but...

Jack was in a dilemma. His gut feeling told him that he would gain something good if he completed the hidden stage, but he was worried that he was to weak. The memory of the near death encounter with the wendigo was still fresh in his mind.

' No, I won't retreat anymore!'


He opened his status page and in an interval of ten seconds put all the points he gained from his level up into his Strength stat.


He felt his strength raise to new heights, and that raised his confidence a little.

"Fine then, I'll choose to go forward."

"Hehehe, I didn't think you had it in you , but what do I know.

You may enter!"

"Yeah yeah....


The sound of the rusted hinges was heard and the iron gate opened slowly by itself.

'Well then...

"Another thing I have to ask of you."

The sheep head spoke again.


"What is it?"

"We would appreciate it if you could release us from this course after you are done."


' What is it now! '

[ Side quest ' Free at Last ' created...

Do you want to accept side quest ' Free at Last '...

'Yes' 'No'. ]