Haunting Screams 6

' Haah~

This keeps getting better and better. First is a hidden stage and now I'm getting a side quest? Well, if I already have fallen into deep shit I'll just see how far I can reach without drowning in it.'

" Fine, I'll accept your quest, but the reward better be worth it or I'll just do as I mentioned before."

"Hehehe, it's worth it alright. I just hope that you'll complete it ,that's all. "

[ Accepted side quest ' Free at Last'...


+2 Levels

Skill book ' Anima '....

'Ssssss...that's hot! I'll gain 2 levels and a skill book if I just complete the quest?'

Jack couldn't believe his eyes. He hadn't received a quest since the Initiation where he received +1 Level and a beginner weapon plus armour of his choosing , but this was on a whole different level.

' If I go with the theory that the reward is equal to the danger then that means that this quest is not going to be easy to complete.

If that's the case how dangerous is this hidden stage that I've stumbled uppon?'


"Hehehe, having second thoughts about it?"


So, what do I have to do to set you free?"

"Right to the point I see...

Hehehe, you just have to collect the 'key' that can release us from this detestable form and that's it. But be warned that the key is not whole.

You have to find the pieces and bring them together here at the gate so the curse can be broken."


More work to do! Why can't it just be easy?'

"So, can you tell me how many pieces are there and where can I find them?"

"Sure, I'll tell you hehehehe....

First one!

I'm deep, I'm round , in the ground I can be found.

Second one.

In the chest behind the vest , I serve better to no guest.

Third one.

I shine light to no one in sight, darkest night, holy light."

"He...hehe.... hahahaha....

The creepy anoying laughter was heard again , but it was not the goat head this time.

'I knew that this was not going to be easy.

F*cking riddles! Why can't it be simple like here is the map and X marks the spot.'

"Oh, have you already solved the riddles?"


Jack didn't really answer the goat head and just left it with a 'maybe' that was soon engulfed by the erie silence of the place making one wonder if it was really heard a moment ago. It was best that way because Jack really didn't need where to begin to solve them and to save himself the embarrassment he just answered vaguely.

"Good luck...


"This is a haunted mansion alright."

Jack looked at the two storied mansion with a mocking smirk. The mansion looked old and worn down like it hadn't been tended by anyone for a long time. The windows were so dirty and you couldn't see anything through them, the crawling vines had completely taken over the outside of the mansion and transformed it into a something that Jack could explain only as a fusion confusion.

*Krrrk... krrrk...

The sound of Jack's shoes on the gravel road that lead to the front door of the mansion was the only thing heard.

' Taking it slow is the best idea. '

And so begun the short distance but long time journey of Jack towards the door. He was moving so slowly that for him to cross the 20 m distance between the front gate and the front door it took him about two minutes.

Each step he took was followed by 2 seconds of silence. He was straining his ears to hear anything that may want to get him. During the way Jack also observed the surroundings , but there was not much to be seen. Beside a small dried up fountain that had a mermaid statue covered by musk on the middle of it and a well that was to the far left there was nothing else. The barren front yard increased the erie presence of the mansion.

' I didn't know that the absence of something would be so disturbing. '


After the long two minutes Jack finally was at the front door. It was a wooden door decorated with some silver.

' That was a little nerve-wracking for just the prologue.'

Jack took another look at the door and then focused at the handle.


Can ,you ,hear ,me?"

No answer came back.

"Well, it was worth a shot , but never again. I'm beginning to think that talking door handles are the norm.

So, should I enter it or....

Jack was reluctant. He had seen enough horror movies to know that entering from the front door was like som sor of catalyst for the beginning of disaster so he didn't advance.

"Man I should have taken a camera with me!The place, the atmosphere..

This is the perfect place to shoot a horror movie."

*Tak tak tak...

Jack froze for a second.

"What was that?"

*Tak tak tak...

He heard the sound of knocking again and again until finally he pinpointed the location it was coming from.

' It's coming from that window on the second floor!'

The knocking continued for a while until without rhyme or reason it stopped.

"It stopped, but why?"

The sound of knocking had stopped, but Jack didn't move his sight from the window . His gaze seemed to penetrate the window to be able to see what was on the other side, but the later of heavy dust on it was like an impassible wall, so Jack waited.

"Show yourself and fight me face to face and don't hide like a coward."


'Its coming!'

The notification sound was heard and in the dirty window something changed. A shadowy silhouette was seen like a person was standing behind the window.

' Is there a person behind the window or is this some trick to scare me? '

The silhouette raised his right hand and slowly reached towards the window to do something strange.

"It's cleaning the dust?


At first glance it looked like the person/thing on the other side of the window was cleaning it , but that was not the case. The only thing it cleaned were two circles with a diameter of 3 cm next to each other and an upwards curved line below them.

' It's a f*cking smiley face.'

"F*ck you! You want to play games is that it? "

Jack raised his hand towards the window and unleashed all his pent up frustrating towards the shadowy figure behind the window.

'Liquid Body Arrow'