Haunting Screams 7

The blood arrow flew quick and true hitting the window and shattered it to pieces. The window was completely destroyed by Jack's attack , but even with that he couldn't see his enemy . A blanket of darkness still prevented him from seeing inside.

'Did I hit it?

I hit it right?'

Jack waited.

He didn't make another attack and waited for the enemy to rear up it's head , but he didn't forget to prepare. The kusari-fundo that was still in his hand begun to spin slowly waiting for it's time to shine.

"Come on out if you dare! I'll make you smile really good."

'After bashing your skull in that is.'

The night was a perfect night. The stage had been set and time was ripe for the start of the clash.Jack who had been keeping an eye on the window noticed something moving, but it wasn't the shadowy figure.

'The ground is moving? Is it an earthquake?'

The first thought was that it could be an earthquake, but he cast that though aside as soon as it crossed his mind as it was ridiculous.

'No, I'm almost certain that it's something else as there are no tectonic plates seeing as this is not the real world . Maybe it's the work of the one inside?'

Jack strained his ears once again to be able to hear anything , but that soon proved to be the wrong choice.



Jack fell to the ground hard.

A high pitched sound wave like nothing Jack had heard before completely immobilized him. As soon as the sound wave hit him he lost conciousness for a second and fell to the ground to only wake up a second later experiencing a terrible pain from his ear, but Jack wasn't the only one to suffer. The high pitched sound had broken every single window of the mansion into little glass pieces.


Jack was rolling on the ground like a wounded animal as his ears bled profusely. The pain he was experiencing at the moment was so unberable that he wished he was dead, but he soon found some solace as a warm stream of energy traveled from his hand to his ears lessening the pain slightly.

"Haaa haaa haaa....

' It f*cking hurts! '

His ears were bleeding, his head was hurting and his vision was shit like thousands of tiny flies were around him. When Jack regained some of his senses he imediately decided to activate his time dilation skill although using it made his headache more unbearable. The skill made his thoughts became faster and his perception of time decreased to the point he could finally somewhat understand what was happening and it was not pretty.

' What the hell just happened to me? One moment I was on my feet and in the next I was sprawled one in pain on the ground.

Did I get hit by something like the bats screech, but just more powerfu...

"Ugh... SHIT!"

Jack exclaimed in fright as he saw what was happening before him.

As a new wave of rolling pain hit him from using 'Time Dilation' on such a weakened state he saw something that made his blood run cold and sent chills down his spine. The glass shards of the broken windows him were now levitating 2m above ground around him. Their crystalline structure reflected some of the moonlight making them shine beautifully like snow flakes in this quiet night , but to Jack it was completely the opposite.

The glass shards that shined cold piercing light right into his retinas around him looked like countless spear tips waiting to pierce his flesh, his bones, even his soul.


' I.... can't.... escape....

This sight before him was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Jack was now shaking uncontrollably like he had the most severe case of fever a person could have .His confidence was gone like the wind and his will was completely shattered by the grim reality, but a humans will to live, the flame hope that he may survive this made him put up an effort to defend.

He gathered his remaining strength and clutching to the last of ember of hope he activated his 'Physicial Enhancement' skill and just squated as deep as he could with his arms in front of him face and took all of it with a unwavering should.


*Tik tik tik tik...

The glass rained down on him like hail clacking against his mail and helmet continuously making every second seem like an eternity although his 'Time Dilation' had already been deactivated. Jack felt every single glass shard against his skin, every impact was enhanced by his near death focus until it finally was over there seconds later and Jack emerged almost completely unscathed, but with a new edgy look. A lot of glass shards had been embedded on his gambeson and he now looked like a porcupine will glass quill's.

'I will... survive !

I'll...find you and kill you..


Jack imediately got to his feet and rushed towards the wooden door of the mansion and without slowing down rammed right onto it breaking it into pieces.




Gaaahh... bastard I'll kill you!"

Jack managed to get himself out of danger only to find himself into deeper shit. As soon as he managed to set foot inside the mansion he was met with a huge cleaver to his head. His cleaver hit Jack's helmet heavily and loudly , but because of the helmets round shape the cleaver slid to the left and striked Jack's shoulder.

In that split moment Jack took a quick look at his new enemy.

The attacker was an almost two meter fat human with a blood stained white apron , pale white skin with red lines across it and blood red eyes. His gastly inhuman apperance made him definitely looked like a butcher and Jack was on the chopping block.


The butcher have a loud roar and reduced another attack from above .


The attack hit the rock floor hard making stones fly in all directions, but Jack was already 2 m away raising his right hand.

' Liquid Body Arrow'

He imediately released a blood arrow towards the butchers head ,but it was blocked by the flat side of a rusty cleaver.



Liquid Body Arrow.'

He imediately created another arrow and this time didn't aim for the head , but strikes the butchers left knee and as Jack expected the attack made it fall to one knee.

"Rooooar... rooooar...

"Mad are you , you fat f*ck?"

The butcher had gone completely berserk swinging his cleaver around him like a mad beast hoping to hit something and Jack seeing this didn't approach.

'I can't use any more blood arrows as I'm heavily wounded and can't risk to get killed by a lucky hit so....

"You are dead!"

Jack started to spin the kusari-fundo and circled back to the butchers back , but instead of hitting it he did something else.

' Shoot '

With extreme precision he managed to wrap the kusari-fundo around the butchers a and activated the weapons skill rendering the monster immobile in a split second. After that, with the fastest speed possible he wrapped the rest of the chain around the butchers arms and released him of his weapon right in time.


*Click click...

The chain strained under the house strength of the butcher , but it didn't break.

"Hehehe, how about you have a taste of your own medicine.


With rolling madness in his eyes Jack swung the cleaver down on the butchers head with all his strength and split his skull completely in two.
