Haunting Screams 8

Jack was holding the bloodstained rusted cleaver in his right hand while watching the blood slowly seep out to the ground from the split skull skull of the butcher. Jack looked at this grusome sight that would make some vomit without blinking, seeming to try to burn this image into his brain.

The blood on the cleaver also dripped down slowly and bit by bit turned into a stream that connected with the other pool of blood,like a person returning to his roots.

"Haah haah...

Jack took deep heavy breaths trying to fill his lungs with air , but as much as he tried he couldn't as it felt like he was breathing anything but oxygen. He didn't think there would be a time it would even hurt to breathe.

"Haah haah...huk... shit! I didn't think that I had taken this much damage from just that single attack from this bastard.

Gaaahh... fuck!"

Although the enemy in front of him was the fallen enemy, Jack couldn't consider this a victory. He knew the he had been extremely lucky that the butcher had attacked his helmet which had redirected the attack, in turn lessening the force of the strike to his less protected upper body, because he was sure that he would have died or at least been heavily wounded if that had happened.

"Haah haah...

F*ck , I'm sure my shoulder is dislocated or even worse , but I can't wait here . I need to find a place to recover in peace."

' The thing that attacked me outside seemed to have lost interest , but I won't stay her to find out. I need to hide for now.


I really f*cked up didn't I?'

Jack looked around him for a place to lick his wound's, but what he saw wasn't what he wanted. Right now he was in the middle of what looked like a short corridor leading to what looked to be the waiting room. In front was the unknown , but what choice did he have.

' There may enemies up ahead so better just do it right here and now. Seems that I have no choice. I can't wait here for my health to recover by 'Slimy Recovery' as it is to slow and I can't afford for my Mana pool to dry up making me unable to use any of my skills.'

During that time Jack wasn't idling by as he took a health potion from his inventory and used it for the first time. He took the rectangular clear glass bottle filled with a red liquid and downed it in one gulp

'Haah haah..it's hot! '

It feels like boiling water is coursing through my veins.'

As soon as the liquid reached his stomach it turned into a hot current that spread in all directions healing him and in return raising his HP. This lasted for ten seconds and after it was over Jack felt a lot better than before like he got out of a sauna.

' Heh that's better and it's also strawberry flavored. It's not my top pick but I'm not complaining at all.

Now then...

Seeing that he could only go back to his certain death or go forward to his uncertain death Jack choose the uncertain death.

"Front or back, white or black... that goat head bastard! I'm sure he knew what was going to happen and didn't warn me.


Then front it is, but first..


After a minute Jack was squating down on the corner of a big room that was filled with old rotten wooden furniture on all sides which released a disgusting musty smell that penetrated his pores.

He had taken of his helmet and was holding it tightly in his hands looking at a big depression on it. The depression was 5 cm long and 0.5 cm deep.

"When I get back I'll have to definitely get better armour if I want to keep my head. Look at this shit, only one strike and...


He suddenly opponed his inventory and saw the new additions on it with a strained smile.

' At least I got something good.'

After the fight with the butcher he didn't forget to check his inventory for anything new firstly because it was a force of habit and secondly because the body of the butcher didn't dissolve like all the other monsters he had killed.

' Why didn't the body dissolve like the others, but I had to manually loot the corpse like I did with the bear?

Is there some kind of connection I'm missing? '

He looked at a new item in his inventory and brought up it's description.

Silence of the Lambs

This cleaver has been used to take the life of many innocent and unsuspecting animals and has absorbed their hatred and blood to become an unholy object.

Abilities: Raging Bloody Chop.

There is a 5% possibility of the strength of the next attack to be doubled.

"I also gained a blood core and a soul shard from the looting , but this is the true prize. A good weapon with a good effect but not for me.

It's just to....

Damn this dungeon, it's play style is different from just killing monsters, it's more like a....

Hehehe, I got it now!"