Haunting Screams 9

It was like a lightbulb lit up in Jack's head, an eureka moment.

"The two talking handles of the front gate, the quest I was given by them.. shit, even the conditions for completing the quest. I'm so stupid for not figuring this out earlier.

This dungeon is not like ' Slimy Tunnel ' where I have to kill and kill slimes until I reach the boss. This dungeon is more like a search and find/ puzzle game where I....

Aslo the name of the monsters on battle log point out to this beeing some sort of mystery , which I guess that's why the name of this hidden stage is 'Curse Origin'.

[ Initiating....


Enemy encountered : Cursed Soul Puppet


-10 HP

You have been 'Stunned'....

You have been effected by 'Fear Aura'...

Movement speed decreased by 20% , received debuff 'Dissoriented'....


Enemy encountered: Cursed Blood Puppet


-12 HP...]

After looking at his battle log one more time Jack continued on this trail of thought for a little while until he was almost certain that what he just thought was correct.

"I haven't really played any games with this style , but even I know that if this is that kind of dungeon then there should be some items or information around here to help me complete it.


Jack got up to his feet in one swift motion and stretched his legs a little before looking forward towards an old wooden bookcase which was filled with rotten books. The bookcase was not that big but in it were at least 100 books and these books were his target.

' What is the most obvious place to find any clues or information?

Books of course! '

He slowly approached the bookcase and took a random book and started to look for any information in it.

'Not readable, not readable, this is completely rotten! '

He turned page after page trying to read something , but the book was so rooten that it was entirely unreadable.

'Shit, this is going to take a loot of time if I try to look at each of these books in detail . I have to speed things up.'

He gave up on searching thoroughly and just stared to flip through the books with the fastest speed he could. He went through more than 50 books in the span of 2 minutes until a thick black book caught his eye.

This book stood out from the others as it seemed to not be that worn down as in contrast to the other books seemed to be much thicker.

"Hehe, black book I choose you!"

He took the black book in his hand and was about to open it, but stopped imediately as he read the title.

"What the f...

The black book wasn't an ordinary book and almost everyone that hadn't been living under a rock for the past 2000 years could recognize it.

The book had in it's cover carved in silver bold print the words HOLY BIBLE and had a red cross above the words.

'A bible? What's a Bible doing here at the bookcase and why is the cross red? I'm sure that this is not normal , but maybe I'm overthinking it and it's been put here just for showing it of and not reading?

Either way going just by the good state of the book compared to the others makes it very suspicious. I need to look into this more carefully. '

Jack opened the bible very, very careful trying not to damage it in any way unlike with the other books that were now all over the ground haphazardly and started looking. He didn't really care to read it's contents , but going by experience he tried to look for anything out of the ordinary.

' Man this this brings back some bittersweet memories. It's feels just like yesterday that mom was dressing us nicely to go to church on Sunday and...

*Tick tick...


A sound of something falling was heard making Jack tense up, but only for a second. The sound wasn't some new enemy , but the sound of something falling from the book to the ground. The silence had made that small sound seem much louder than it normally was .

"What's this, a cross? Why would.....nevermind, it's useless to waste brain my cells trying to figure it out .

It's just better I just go with the flow and retain my sanity. Yup , stress free since 2003 hahahah..."

He picked the cross up and began to examine it carefully. The cross was just a simple silver one with it's surface polished to perfection and Jack could perfectly see hi reflection in it.

' Its doesn't seem to be anything special. It just looks like a normal silver cross you could by anywhere, but why is it so shiny?

Looking at the other parts of the house it's like 100 years just passed, but this silver cross hasn't changed color. It definitely is...

At that moment the cross disappeared from his hand any the sound of a notification was heard.


'And BINGO!'

He imediately opened his log.

[Found Mission Item : Blessed Silver Cross...


Blessed Silver Cross

A pure silver cross blessed by a priest with high quality holy water.


Holy Aura(Passive)

Dark or unholy magic damage -10%.

Cross Judgement: Once a day, deal holy damage to a single target equal to 1/2 of your INT X 10.