Haunting Screams 13

Another five minutes passed and Jack had mostly recovered from the injuries he had sustained. He had finally regained his ability to fight , but he hadn't decided what to do.

' Should I move onwards now that I've recovered or...

He looked around the dark corridor trying to decide what to do, go forward or back. He couldn't held but shiver a bit when he realized how many how many times the words of the goat head were were turning up.

"Front of back..... white...or... That bastard! I'm definitely going to complete this shitty stage and get all the rewards I can."

Jack had a little outburst, but he calmed down quickly.

' Right now I have two options.

I could go back to the room I was in and finish checking the rest of the books.

If I did that I could find something good like the silver cross. It would be good I found something like that because if I didn't have the cross with me....

Jack cleched the cross that was in his hand thinking about the fight that happened not long ago.

'The other option is to move forward to try to end this hidden stage as soon as possible. I'll be fighting against any creature that blocks my way and...


"Yeah right as if that's going to happen. It's better not to fool myself and just move back to the room. I'll see if I can find anymore useful items."

After making up his mind he just got up from his position and moved back to the room to try to find something helpful.


*Flip flip*

Back in the room Jack was again going over the remaining books. His hands were swift in turning the pages and his eyes concentrated on finding anything of importance.

*Flip flip*

The books on the ground had now risen to twice their height and had come up to Jack's waist. They were like a boundary wall that divided him from the outside and although he knew that this was just a silly thought it brought him some peace of mind.

"Is this everything? Well that was a little disappointing!"

Jack said those words to no one in particular as he closed the last book and added it to the pile on the ground.

"The remaining books didn't have any new items for me to exploit, but why would this thing be here. It definitely has to mean something.


He opened his inventory and took out an old black and white photo out.

"This thing looks pretty old. It looks at least 70 years old , maybe even more."

The photo in his hand looked very old . It was not only the lack of color but also from the beige discoloration .



Jack continued to examine the photo by scratching it a little and tried to bend it .

"The texture of the front seems like a grate. It seems like the photo is not inked but made of thousands of small like black and white dots.

The paper it was printed on is also like something I've never seen before. It's like plastic or hard paper."

Jack continued to examine the photo for one more minute before he came to a conclusion.

'I found this photo between two random books , meaning that either it was not that important , or maybe it was there so it could be easier to find?

The photo being in such a good condition compared to the rest of the books means that it has to be important and so it had to be put there so it could be easier to find, but why? Why would someone hide a photo.'

Jack looked at the photo and wondered.

' Who are these people? Are they the owners of this mansion?'

The photo showed a man and a woman standing side by side. The man who was on the left was wearing a black suit while holding a cane. He looked around 40 years old and had a beard. The woman on the other hand was sitting down. She looked in her early twenties had long blonde hair and wore a white dress.

"They should be master and mistress of this mansion by the looks of it.

Still , why is this photo here?"

Next, Jack turned over the photo and in the back was another photo, but smaller. The second photo still showed the couple , but this time the woman was holding a little baby in her hands.

"They seemed to have a child. What does this mean?"

Jack looked intently at the two photos for a long time.

"Hmmm... yes I don't know anything about anything. Why the hell is this photo so important? Is there something I can deduct from it?


' Am I missing something here? Why would....

"Maybe, maybe this is a clue to what happened!?

The name of the scenario is 'Curse Origin' so is this a clue to the origin of the curse. The two photos are almost the same, the only difference is that in the second one there is also the baby. Does that mean that the baby is the key to this?

Gaaaa, I really, really hatte this dungeon."


The things gained from looting the Cursed Blood Puppet.

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