Origin 1


After finishing examining the photos and drawing conclusions about their use, he put it back into his inventory.

"Seems that I still need some more information to unravel this mystery. The photos seem to point towards something , but this appears to be only a part of the puzzle.


It seems I still need to move forward and I didn't even find any useful items. This sucks balls!"

Seeing that he couldn't find anything else he reluctantly decided to move on.


After moving forward cautiously he arrived at what seemed to be the kitchen and during the way he didn't encounter any new enemies to his surprise.

The kitchen was big and like the other parts of the mansion looked very old and decayed. The place was heavily layered with dust and seemed like it wasn't used for decades. The wooden tables that should have been used for preparing food were now but scrap's , the same for the wooden cabinets and other wooden things.

" Sheesh , this place is really nice , but it needs a little dusting."

He ignored the decaying wooden garbage and tried to find anything useful. He looked and looked until he found what he was looking for.

*Clink clink*

I his hand several forks clinked against each other.

"Are these really going to be useful?"

After checking the whole kitchen he was only able to find a deep iron pot that seemed to be in quite a good shape and a couple of silver cutlery.

"The hell is wrong with this dungeon!? How the hell am I going to beat the scenario with this shit?! Am I going to kill my enemies by banging them over the head with an iron pot?"


Jack threw the iron pot in front of him at the wall in anger. The pot hit the wall hard and left a little dent in it.

"F*ck, at least give me something useful! Shit....

As he was cursing his bad luck , Jack's face suddenly stiffed for a second . His eyes narrowed and a bead of sweat dripped from his forehead.

" Shit...

Imediately after he rushed towards where the iron pot on had landed and started wiping the dust like it was a family heirloom , before putting it inside his inventory and checking it's description.

After he saw it he was relieved.

"Man I really need to find another way of letting of some steam. Maybe should do some barehanded slime killing? That really calms my nerves.

Yeah, I'll do that."

After being relieved that the pot was not harmed he looked at the description.

Veracious Eater

This pot has once served as the cooking pot that feed hundreds of soldiers. During that time it has served more than 100000 meals, but even though it dutifully completed it's job the ones who ate the meals cooked by this pot were never full.

Special effect:

2X Space: The pot can hold two time it's capacity.

Tongue Roulette:

1 Salty Tongue: If you cook a salty dish in this pot there is a 5% chance for the dish to to have a strength increasing effect.

2 Bitter Tongue : If you cook a bitter dish in this pot there is a 5% chance for the dish to have a dexterity increasing effect.

3 Sweet Tongue : If you cook a sweet dish in this pot there is a 5% chance for the dish to have a constitution increasing effect.

4 Sour Tongue : If you cook a sour dish in this pot there is a 5% chance for the dish to have a Inteligence increasing effect.

5 Umami Tongue : If you cook a umami dish in this pot there is a 5% chance for the dish to have a wisdom increasing effect.

( The higher grade the materials are and the better the dish tastes the higher is the stat increase. )

" Man, this is game is really thorough. It even has something totally unrelated to fighting like this.

I really can't figure what kind of game this is. Sometimes it's like an RPG and sometimes like a puzzle game. "

After looking at the effect of the pot over and over he thought of something.

" Heh, maybe becoming a cook is not a bad solution at all....what a minute! How could I forget about that?"

He seemed to have remembered something and imediately moved sideways in his inventory and as he expected, he found what he was looking for.

" When I killed that black bear a while ago I got some bear meat as loot, but I didn't know what to do with it.

So , when the description said that the stat increase is connected to the grade of the materials and the taste , does the bear meat I gained count as a high grade material or maybe it's something different? Can this pot even be take out of this dungeon?

This f*cking game has so many unexplained things."

Jack was angry and excited at the same time. Angry because the description of the pot wasn't enough and excited because he couldn't wait to figure it out, but now was not the time or place.

Forgetting about the pot for a minute he moved his attention back to where the cutlery were.

"Compared to the pot these forks, spoons and knives don't have any effects. They just are normal silver cutlery that can be used to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Maybe I can scare my enemies if I run towards them with a fork while I scream at the top of my lungs, hahahaha...

It was good that there was no one to hear his stupid jokes.

"Anyway, I better get to the second floor."


Seeing that there were no more rooms to explore in the first floor he decided to take the stairs to the second.


*Babum Babum*

Jack's heart beat fast as he was surprised by the sudden noise until he understood what caused it.

"Figures! How can there be a haunted mansion without any creaking stairs?

How original."

' It may not be original , but it sure is effective.'

Jack moved a step at a time while being constantly on edge by the creaking of the stairs. With each step he took he waited for a second in order to know if something else making any noise.

' Man these are some really long stairs, but at least I have something to watch.'

To his left there were several dusty photos of different people dressed in old style clothing. It looked like the theme of this mansion was very XX century.

' Should I take some of them with me?

Nah, they should be useless....


Jack stopped climbing and halted his steps. He hadn't noticed any enemies near him , but had stopped because of a photo.

' What was...

He descended one step and turned to face the photo.

This photo didn't differ from the other ones that he had passed beeing black & white and very old, but something surprised him.

' Who is that woman? '

In the picture he was starting was what he deducted to be the master of the mansion , but besides him wasn't the woman from before.

" Another woman? What the hell is going on!?"

The woman in this photo was in her thirties and compared to the one before who was smiling, this was showing a stoic face, almost as if she was without any emotion.

" If , if....

Damn, I think I got it. The Origin.... hahahaha.