Origin 2

The gears turned in his head and he put the pieces together one by one.

"Two different pictures....two different women and one of the pictures was hidden."

Jack's eyes shinned a knowing light and on his face surfaced a slight smile.

" Hmm , this seems to be the old case of the master of the house beeing unable to keep it in his pants.

If this is right then that means....


Jack took the previous photo out of his inventory and then took look at the woman in the photo on the wall. His eyes moved from one picture to the other , as if he was trying to find the difference between them.

" What I got right now is a theory, but from what I found this seems to be the most probable one and a fitting one....

' Still, there is much more to know. The woman in the second picture could be his sister, but the one on second picture definitely isn't. The fact that the first photo was hidden and this one is up on the wall for everyone to see...

A shiver suddenly passed through his body.

"Damn! For the mansion to become cursed like this....

What the hell happened here!"

Jack was a little shocked , but he couldn't fret over it, he had a mission to complete after all.

"I better take this with me. Just in case I'll need it.


He took the picture of the wall and together with the one he had found and put them back into his inventory befoy moving on.

He once again started climbing the stairs , but he couldn't really concentrate. His brain was filled with all kinds of scenarios of what could had happened and with each step he took those thoughts churned more and more , but his thoughts were cut short as he had finally arrived at the second floor.


He looked to the right and then to the left and imediately stopped.

To his right was nothing but an empty dark corridor , but to his left there was a dark silhouette that looked like a human, just standing there silently.

' This feeling...

Is that an enemy? If so why is it just standing there and not attacking me? Has it not discovered me yet?'

Jack just stayed and stared at the unmoving figure without blinking. He could see only the contour of the figure from where he stood.

'The figure seems about 170 cm tall, maybe a little more. It's body is slim so it doesn't seem like 'Cursed Blood Puppet', so maybe it's a 'Soul Eater'?'

More than ten seconds had passed , but the situation hadn't changed .The figure hadn't made any moves , but Jack was unconsciously holding his breath making his heartbeat clearly ring in his ears. Sweat had also started to form on his forehead.

*Babum Babum Babum....

' Who am I kidding, could there be anyone here besides a monster? I can't waste this opportunity, I have to make the first move!'

Jack raised his left hand towards the figure and a blood arrow slowly formed before him.

'If I hit it on the head I'll definitely do some considerable damage.'

The blood arrow was completely formed and it hung silently in front of Jack's outstretched had ready to strike anytime, but Jack didn't attack.

1 second

2 seconds

5 seconds

10 seconds

The enemy was right in front of him , but even after 10 seconds had passed, still he didn't attack.


His heartbeat ringing in his ears hadn't stopped, on the contrary it seemed to have become faster and louder. Jack hadn't noticed yet, but since when he first saw the enemy he had been holding his breath in for more than 20 seconds.

' What is this? My chest is hurting. '

The constrictive feeling he was experiencing right now on his chest wasn't an enemy attack , but his own lungs struggling for air and his increased heartbeat as the result of the lack of oxygen.

Twenty seconds, that's how much time had passed since he arrived at the second floor. Twenty seconds and he had forgotten to breathe.

'I have to attack, now! Can't wait anymore, but what is this feeling of dread?'

He gritted his teeth and finally attacked with a shout.



The blood arrow finally flew and hit true. The shadowy silhouette had a head no more.

'Its hit...


He rejoiced on his successful attack, but as luck would have it it would be a short celebration.


The figure in front of him just disappeared into thin air as if a balloon that had been pooped and that's when Jack felt it. A cold wind started blowing to his back making him hair stand on end.

"Huuu huuu....

' I've been tricked, again! The figure in front was a diversion, so the enemy...

Jack imediately created another blood arrow before suddenly turning around. What he saw almost made him shit his pants.

A white skinned , long haired woman was standing there silently looking at him, but that was not the part that scared him. Her face and eyes were covered by her messy hair and her body was covered by rotten clothing , but her hands were clearly seen. They were slim, very slim like they couldn't be any slimmer without becoming completely bone and to the end of them were 2 cm dirty black nails.

What made him afraid was the ghostly apperance of the woman , but what really made him shit his pants was that she was only 1 m away from him.

'How!? I didn't feel anything.'




"What.... happened? Ughhh....

Jack was completely disoriented. He gritted his teeth in pain as he tried to remember what just happened.

' I was ambushed...and then, then...


He tried to move his body a little and that when he noticed it.

' I'm.. I'm on the ground!?When..how?'


He gritted his teeth and got up to see that he was now outside of the mansion near the dried up fountain. He then looked up and saw his enemy.

"I remember you....

In a big hole on the wall of the second floor of the mansion the figure of a ghostly woman was standing there. She was smiling from ear to ear as if she was having the most fun in the world , but her red eyes didn't bring Jack any feelings of joy, only a soul piercing coldness.