Chapter [02]

It's been three days last I spoke to that girl- Smiley.  I thought she and I would have found each other sooner after that first meeting, but I haven't seen her since.  I've been trying to ask around, and apparently, as soon as I said "Smiley," they asked, "Which one? Smiley sophomore or Smiley Senior?" I wasn't sure, so I inquired how to find both.  I was visiting Smiley sophomore outside her second class, but it wasn't her- next, I went to the 2nd-period lunch, which I did not belong in.  The other Smiley wasn't the one I was looking for either; I took my class and went to my fourth lunch.  I stared at the lines and saw my SMILEY!

I jumped up and boosted over to her as she took her tray to a table with a few people- the seat next to her was empty, so I was slowly making my way to the edge of the table where she was. 

Quickly a girl next to her nudged Smiley, whispering in her ear... Smiley smiled and glanced at me, but immediately I froze- my mind became dark with what that girl could have told Smiley, and it was all bad.  I turned around and walked back to my table in embarrassment.

~Sue's POV~

Annie nudged my arm, "Look." She pointed a bit far away for me to see that boy from a few days ago- "Hey, that's Ad." I smiled as she leaned into my ear, "How'd you find such a hottie? He's a dreamboat." She giggled as I waved it away, "He's just a new student; I was helping him the other day." She scoffed and sighed, "You get all the hotties." I shrugged and glanced back at Ad, who turned around and walked away...?  "Did he just walk away?" Annie seemed as confused as me.

"Hold on; I'll be right back." I got up, following Ad to his table.  I arrived and leaned over as the guys stared at me.  "Hey, Sue!" They all grinned, Ad glanced at me in curiosity.  "Sue- but you said, Smiley." Ad said as I nodded, "My closes friends call me Smiley, but since I'm not as well known as the other two Smiley's- everyone knows me as Sue the Freshman." I explained as he sighed- "You're a freshman..."

"Yep, I have the freshman uniform." I pointed to my red plaid skirt, white buttoned shirt, and red tie- I glanced at his outfit.  "Mr. Junior- I see." I smiled as he nodded; he seemed quiet.  "Hey, do you think you can come with me?" I patted Ad's shoulder as he nodded, following me out of the canteen.  Quickly I pushed him to the back hallway where many people didn't go so we could be alone.  "H-Huh?"

He seemed confused, "You walked away from my table- why?" I spoke clear.  "I didn't-" "We made eye contact, it was clear you were coming to see me, but you froze last minute and walked away," I clarified as he didn't deny anything.  "I... did. Yes, I was going to talk to you but turned around instead." He admitted, "why?" "Your friend whispered something to you about me- right? It made me anxious, and I thought it was gossip." He sighed as I understood, "Trust me, Annie's a nice person. If anything, she was gawking over you. She was saying you were handsome." I blushed at the last part.

"Do you think so?" Ad asked as I shrugged, "Face value means nothing to me based on attraction." I winked as he seemed curious, "What do you like then?" I thought- "Personality, it's desirable." "Oh, give a short reason?"

"Well..." I leaned against the locker, "Looks are attractive, but what if your pretty eyes or luscious lips fade away? What do you have then? You have your body, sure, but you also have whatever personality you even retain. Your looks and body won't matter that much to someone who loves you because they see more than that- and if not. You're the toy for them." I explained as he nodded, "So very true..." We heard the bell, and immediately I panicked.  "That's our final class-" I said as I was about to walk, but he grabbed my shoulder lightly.  "Um... Can I have your number?" I chuckled and pulled out a pen from my pocket, grabbing his hand.  I wrote my number on his palm, "uh..." "I carry a lot of pens." I chuckled as he nodded.  "Bye, Ad."