Chapter [11]

~Sue's POV~

I was writing on my phone, "Sue! Let's go!" I heard mom yell from the living room, but I groaned, grabbing my birthday dress from my closet.  "Yeah!" I barked back, "Let's go to your uncle's now! We have to prepare quickly; the guests will be there in an hour!" She said as I paused, "But mom, my ring hasn't arrived yet!" I panicked as she sighed, "How much longer?" I checked my phone, tracking the delivery, "I'd say 14 minutes." "How are you-" "My friend Ad is going, and I can text him now to take me there, ok?" I said as she nodded, grabbing my dress.  "Fine, as soon as the ring comes- go downtown in a hurry. If something happens, call me." She said, leaving, "Bye!"

I called Ad, "Yeah? I'll be at your party in a few." "Change of plans, darling, do you mind coming to my house and taking me to the party?"

I asked, "Wait- huh?" He asked. I explained the situation, and he agreed.  I waited a few minutes until I heard a knock on the door- I opened it to let in Ad.  We went into my room as he saw Sugar run under the bed.  "Did I scare her?" He asked.

"No, butt butt is just scared of everyone. She'll come around, no worries." I sat on the bed with him sitting next to me.  "Your bed is pretty cute, huh?" He asked, looking at all my pillows and plushies with pink blankets.  I blushed, "Do you have a problem with it?" I felt a bit defensive.

"Oh, not at all." He laid down, grabbing one of my pillows to rest his head-on.  "It suits you." He closed his eyes, relaxing.  "You decided to wear a suit to my party?" I grinned as he blushed, opening one eye to glance at me.  "It's a special occasion, so I thought, why not... It's too much, right?"

I shook my head, "No, you look great." I smiled, my phone buzzed, and I grabbed it.  "The order was handed to someone." I read the delivery update, and I started to panic internally.  "I didn't hear a knock-" Ad sat up, "And no one else is home..." I gulped, "Someone handed your package over to a stranger." Ad said as I panicked.  "WHAT DO WE DO! I NEED THAT RING!" I started to shake; Ad grabbed my shoulders.

"Calm down, call your brother and tell him about it. I'll go look for it outside and ask around." Ad said as I nodded.  I picked up my phone, calling my brother.

~Ad's POV~

I knocked on every door and found nothing, "Where could it be?" I sighed, "You look distressed."

A voice chuckled as I looked up at one of the balconies of an apartment to see a guy, "Uh- yeah. Have you seen a delivery man or woman delivering a package to that apartment?" I pointed to Sue's apartment.  He shook his head, checking his phone.  "Oh, do you mean Sue's package?" He asked as I tilted my head, "You know, Smiley..."

"Oh, I know a lot more than just her name." He chuckled, "Mh..." "Are you her boyfriend?" He asked me as I shook my head, "No, friends..." He smiled, jumping off the ledge and in front of me.

*Explanation: This character was on the first floor, but the first floor is at the bottom and really close to the floor. Just to let you know.*

"I'll help look for Sue's package, just go talk to her." He instructed as he was about to leave, I grabbed him.

"What's your end game?" I asked.  He smiled, "Just want to help a friend." He winked, leaving... I don't trust that guy.

~Sue's POV~

I saw Ad come back as I finished doing my (light) make-up, I perked up- "Did you find it?" I asked as he seemed a bit nervous- "I-" "Found it." I spotted Darnell come behind Ad with my package- I moved past Ad and hugged Darnell.  "THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU'RE MY HERO!" "No problem, Darling." Darnell smiled, "You should come to my birthday, " I quickly stuck pins in my hair.  "Oh no, I bet he's busy." Ad said as Darnell interrupted, "Nope, I'm free."

"Great, you can hitch a ride with us. Let's go!" I slipped on my flip flops, grabbing my other shoes.  We ran to the car, arriving at the party.

/Time skip/

~Ad's POV~

I was near the punch table watching Sue with a short girl next to her; I noticed Darnell watching Sue too...  "You watching the birthday girl?" I heard a voice chuckle next to me; I saw Justin.  "Oh, hi, Justin." I went back to looking at Sue.  "You're supposed to look at the person your talking too; you are being a little rude." Justin shrugged, I glanced at him again.  "Sorry, it's just-"

I pointed to Darnell, "Do you know who that is?" He nodded with a smirk- "Yeah, that's Darnell Chase. One of Sue's neighbors." He explained, "What's his deal?" I asked, "Well, for one, he's not a he. Darnell is a trans girl called Rnell." My eyes widened, "Oh... I have nothing to worry about then."

"If I were you- I would be worried. Rnell may be trans, but it doesn't mean she can't take Sue from you. Same with small fry over there-"  Justin pointed to the short girl next to Sue, "Wait, why?" His eyes widened, "Oh... She didn't tell you." "Tell me what?" I asked, "Sorry, man- I'm not telling her private business. She'll let you know when she does." He walked away.