Chapter [10]

~Sue's POV~

  I'm near my locker, just singing myself a little song because my birthday is just around the corner.  "Quince here I come!"

Quince: 15 in Spanish

Quickly I spotted Ad come over with his arm still in a cast; a month has already passed since he was in the hospital.  He was released a few days ago; during the days he was in the hospital, I visited every day, giving him his homework from each class, and sometimes I brought Nic and Justin for the ride.  He leaned next to my locker with a big smile, "Glad to see you back in action." I chuckled as he nodded, "As much as I don't like school, I did not miss it in the hospital." He laughed.  "Oh, boohoo. You should have stayed there then." I rolled my eyes.  "Sue, I was joking!"

I walked as he followed me, "Mh hm." I narrowed my eyes at him, "Maybe I don't like the school itself, but I sure like you~." He winked at me, "Stop being foolish." I waved him away.  "But I meant it." He said as I shrugged, "Oh, did I tell you about-" I felt a touch on my waist- I panicked, turning around.

"Did you just touch my waist?!" I yelled at a guy behind me; he seemed confused.  "I'm sorry if I did..." I felt my heartbeat in fear- "It's ok... I have to go. Bye." I quickly ran off, hearing a yell after me, but I didn't care.

~Ad's POV~

I yelled after Smiley, but she didn't stop or turn back... "Hey, Ad, " I glanced behind me to see Justin and Nic.  "Hey guys, do you know why Smiley ran off?" I asked as Nic shrugged.

"Did someone bump into her?" Justin asked as I nodded.  "Ah, I see." Nic nodded with Justin in agreement.  "What?" I asked.  "Sue has a reputation for being... Protective? Is that the right word?" Nic asked Justin, "It's not the right word, but it is the best word in this case." Justin agreed with Nic.  "What does protective mean?" I asked.

"Basically, Sue is very secure of her body; no one is allowed to touch her in certain places until she freaks out and panics," Nic said, "Yeah, last year she straight up attacked a guy for falling face-first into her chest. It was awesome." Justin seemed excited as Nic shook her head, "He fell by accident." "Or so he said, I heard him plan it before it happened. He deserved it, so I don't blame her." Justin said.

"Do you guys know why she's protective?"

"No idea." Justin shrugged, "Not a clue-" Nic answered.  Hm... I'll figure out why.