Chapter [09]

~Sue's POV~

  It's been a week since I've talked to Ad, and during that time, he missed school...  Is he avoiding me, did he transfer, did something happen?  I've been so worried that I've been calling him over and over again, but he won't answer me, and his phone keeps going straight to voicemail.  Justin and Nic keep asking me if something happened, but I couldn't say anything.  Every morning I hope to see a message from him that says some kind of reason for him disappearing and that he's sorry, and he'll be back to school in no time.  I arrived home, falling onto my bed as I started to cry into my pillow.

~Ad's POV~

I have been calling Sue days on end with my sister's phone, but she won't answer. 

I got so frustrated because maybe she's worried about me, and if she isn't, then... I called one more time, and she picked up with a sniffle.  "Please stop calling, I don't know what you want, but I sure don't need it now." She spoke sadly, "Sue, it's me. Ad." I said as I heard a perkiness, "AD! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! WHY HAVEN'T YOU ANSWERED MY CALLS!" She kind of panicked.  "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that, my phone broke." I kind of chuckled, "Ad-" I saw my sister come in with the doctor, "Addy, the doctor is here to check on you again." Zarda spoke, "Doctor? Are you in the hospital!" Sue panicked.

"Yes, but-"

"Which one? I'm coming to see you." I heard rummaging through stuff, "I'll send you the address." I said, "Ok, see you soon."

/Time skip/

I hear a knock on the door; Zarda went over and opened the door to reveal Smiley!  "Hi, is Ad here?" She seemed a bit panicked.  "Right over there." Zarda pointed to me, Smiley came over with wide arms and hugged me.  "I'm going to get food." Zarda was about to leave, but quickly Smiley let me go and passed her a bag.  "Oh no, it's fine. I bought food for you and Ad." Smiley said with a sad smile.  Zarda took it, "Well... I'm going to go eat in the cafeteria to let you two talk." She left.

"She's... Your sister, right?" Smiley asked as I nodded, "My baby sister." "She seems nice." Smiley said, "And annoying." I shrugged as she smiled, quickly I noticed tear marks on her cheeks.  "Were... You crying?" I touched her cheeks as she moved my hands.

"No! Why would I!" She yelled defensively.

"I just-" "You were wrong ok?" She sounded angry, "It's ok to cry." I mentioned as she seemed even more annoyed.  "I got into a car crash," I said as she seemed worried, "I was crying... My eyes became too watery to see, so I think I hit a car, but because I was so hurt, neither of us is going to court." I explained.  "Why were you crying?" She asked as I sighed.

"I was arguing all day with my family the day I got into a crash, I had to get out of the house, and all I wanted was to hear Aanu's voice because it used to cheer me up." I sighed as she seemed a bit down.  "Oh... Is Aanu your girlfriend?" She asked with a sad smile; I made my fingers into an x.  "Ex... I see." She nodded.

"She has a new boi toy, and he seems like a fun doll to play with it." I rolled my eyes as Smiley giggled.


"S-sorry! It's just- I thought I was the only one who said boi toy-" She held a pouting smile, so it looks sadder instead of happy.

"Uh, yeah- my friends thought it was so weird, but I'm glad you like it." I rubbed my neck, feeling a bit happy.  "Do you mind me asking?" She said out of nowhere as I felt confused, "About Aanu, about the breakup." She repeated better.  I sighed, "We were happy- or so I thought. The signs were there... You just never see them when you're blindly in love- she was the perfect girl in my life, practically my future... One day I went to surprise here and there she stood- kissing another guy as she moaned into his arms... I left there, sending her a breakup text with the evidence of her cheating. Now here I am, still loving her." I sighed, holding my tears.

She held the saddest look and hugged me, "I don't know how that feels, and I'm sure it's awful, but maybe I can help?" She stared at me.  "Just... Tell me about your day; I want to listen to your voice." I said, pulling her into the bed- laying in her arms with my eyes closed.  "Ok, well-"