Chapter [19]

I called Sue to see if we could hang out, and she agreed- inviting me to Kitty's house.  I decided to go even though I wasn't happy about it- "Zarda, Addy!" My mom yelled; I went down the stairs- seeing my mom and dad sitting at the table.  "What's going on?" I asked as Zarda nudged my shoulder- "It must be about grades." She pulled out a sheet from her pocket as I did the same, "No kids, it's not about that. Take a seat." Dad spoke as we nodded, sitting down.  We put our papers on the table as my mother was about to speak- my father "awed."  "Addy, you got straight A's?! That's my boy!" He patted my back in approval as I smiled- "Thank you, father, I worked hard."

My dad grabbed Zarda's paper and rolled his eyes, "You got a B?!" "Ok, in all fairness. English is difficult; these American's speak strangely!"

Zarda tried to explain, but my father shook his head- "Be more like your brother- he could tutor you." Dad barked as Zarda rolled her eyes, leaning into my ear.  "I thought you were going to get another B in American history." She tsked as I winked- "Looks like I know more about the US then you do." I chuckled as she groaned.  "Kids, honey. Please- we have something serious to discuss." Mom said as dad nodded, "Yes, how could you get a B?!" Dad barked at Zarda again, "Honey, stop, as long as it's a B+, then I do not mind." Mom said as Zarda's face turned grey.

"Honey, it's just a B," Dad said as my mom's eyes widened- "Zarda!" Mom exclaimed, "Oh, Allah-" Zarda said, "Don't use the lord's name in such a sentence!" My parents scolded her as I snickered.  "Anyway, what was the news other than my sister's foul mouth."

I grinned at Zarda, who was annoyed.  "Oh- right." Father agreed, "Well..." He scratched the back of his neck.  "What's going on...?" Zarda asked in worry.  "There is no better way to say it, but- we have to go back to India." Mom said as Zarda, and I froze- "Why..." She asked.  "We don't have jobs here; we can't pay the rent, and our family is back home, " I clutched the table as my father explained.

"I overheard before-" I said as they looked nervous, "It's why I've been working so hard, I raised enough." I pulled out all the money, setting it on the table.  "I don't want to go back; I want to stay." I said as they sigh, "It's too late for that..." Mom said as she put the money in my hands; I got up and ran to my room.  I started to panic, feeling the urge to smoke.

I pushed up my mattress to find a cigarette and a lighter- my body started to twitch as I held them.

"Don't do it... Don't do it." I repeatedly said until my desire overcame me- I jumped up and opened the window.  "Ad, think about this. What decision you make right now affects my relationship with Sue..." I held my head- feeling the cigarette against my fingers.

I shivered, throwing the cigarette out the window.  "Ugh." I groaned, falling backward in confusion and pain.  I heard a knock on my door; I glanced up to see my dad.  "Hey, can we talk?"

~Sue's POV~

I was moping the floors as Kitty cleaned the dishes, "So, that Ad friend of yours is coming over." Kitty asked as I nodded, "Yep." "Did you think about your answer to his confession?" I sighed at her question.

"No, and I don't care to answer," I spoke harshly.

"You shouldn't lie to me," Kitty spoke, "I know you- you know what you want to say." I glanced at Kitty, "And what's that?" I asked as she chuckled, "Well-" Kitty was interrupted by a sudden knock on the front door, "I guess he's here. Do you want me to stay put or-" She asked, but I shook my head.  "You should join- maybe you two could become friends." I smiled as she sighed.

~Ad's POV~

The front door opened, and immediately I saw Sue and the short girl from the party who is Kitty.  "Ad! Hey!" She smiled, hugging me as I noticed Kitty stare with no interest.  "Hey, Sue," I said as she let me go- "This is Kitty or Samantha, Sam for short." Sue introduced Sam.

"This is Addy, Ad for short," Sue explained to Sam.  I was going to shake Sam's hand, but she seemed a bit reluctant to giving me her palm with a brief shake.

We started to go upstairs to a cute blue room; I glanced around and noticed a family photo of what I believe is Sam's family, Sam, and Sue...?  "Nice photo." I glanced at Sue, "It's not mine." She said, "It's mine." Sam grabbed the picture from my grip and put it back down.  "We had a trip that day; it was to Pennsylvania. It was fun." Sue explained as Sam nodded, "Your hair was just a mess the morning after." Sam chuckled.

Sue blushed, "I can't control this hair!" Sue pouted as Sam went over to her with a smile- grabbing her cheeks.  "Who said it looked bad? I was just saying it was messy." She chuckled as Sue sighed.  They are... Pretty friendly.  I might be jealous.

"Anyway, " I immediately said as they both looked at me, "Ah right, ready to talk?" Sue asked me, coming closer and farther from Sam.  We heard a ring go off, "The food! I'll get that!" Sue barked.  "I'll hel-" Sam was interrupted, "No, it's fine. You two stay put, I'll bring the food." Sue left in a hurry as we were quiet until Sam stood up, interrupting the silence- "I'm just... Going to use the restroom." She left.

I immediately started to glance around until I noticed a bookshelf and found somewhat of a journal that looked out of place.  I opened it, a picture of two young girls fell out.  I turned it to see- "Sam x Sue." I read out loud; the book and the picture were snatched from my hands.  "Are you snooping?!" Sam barked at me, "I-" She pushed passed me to put the book away in a drawer.

"What's going on here?" I heard a voice from the hallway.

I noticed Sue with three plates of spaghetti; she set them down.  "Your friend here was reading my diary," Sam said as Sue looked a bit shocked, "Is that true, Ad?" Sue was nervous as I gulped, "Can we please talk in private." I blurted as Sue nodded; Sam left the room.  "What were you doing with Kitty's diary." She asked as I sighed, "I don't know... I saw it and thought it was yours." I explained, confused, "If it were mine- were you going to read it?" She asked as I didn't know how to answer.

"Ad, are you... Ok?" Sue cupped my face, staring into my eyes.  "I'm fine; I just had a rough day." I stuttered.  "Rough day... You didn't... Did you...?" She asked as I realized what she was trying to say.  "No, I didn't," I said, a bit defensive.  "Ad, it's ok, to tell the truth.  It was a rough day; you must have-" Sue was sympathetic, "No, I'm not high! I'm not!"

I yelled, moving Sue's hands away.  "Then why are your eyes red!" She screamed, "I was crying, ok! Are you happy now?!" I yelled as she was surprised, "I'm sor-" I looked away from Sue, "If you don't believe in me, you could have said so." I was hoping to hear her defend herself, but she said nothing as I chuckled in pain.

"Right, I'm just a junkie to you. Might as well do what I do best, get high off my *ss." I hysterically said, walking down the steps. "Ad-" Sue tried to grab me, but I pulled away. "No, Sue. You couldn't even say anything when I asked if you believed in me because you really don't." I bit my lip, "I think we need space away from each other..." I said as Sue seemed surprised and nervous. "Ad, please-" She begged, "Goodbye." I walked out the door, passing Sam.

~Sue's POV~

"Wait!" I tried to chase after Ad, but he walked out the door with Sam shutting it and grabbing my shoulders. "Stop Sue; he made his choice, and you have to respect it." She said as I nodded, "I know, but-" She shook her head, "You don't know. You can't save him; you can't save everyone unless they want help, and you especially can't if you can't believe they are worth saving. You are in the wrong state of mind to be helping anyone- get your head straight and figure out what you need before anyone else." She said in anger.

"Ok..." I nodded as we went back upstairs. We arrived back in her room as she pulled a journal out of her drawer; she took a seat, handing me the journal. "The picture is cute." She said as I grabbed it, "Yeah, I've had it since we first met."

I opened my journal.

"Do you think he read it?" I asked as Sam sighed, "Hopefully not, I was only gone for a few minutes. I really tried to protect it for you, but I told you it was a bad idea to put it on the shelves." Sam glared at me as I nodded, "I guess so." I closed it, hiding it under her bed.