Chapter [20] Airport

~Sue's POV~

Ever since Ad and I talked at Kitty's house- he hasn't spoken to me in a week.  I don't blame him, I've gone up to talk to him, but he ignores me or walks away.  Justin and I haven't spoken since I found out that he made Ad into an addict; I was sitting near a river- thinking.  "What do I feel for Ad...?" I splashed the water with my hands; I felt so stressed that I started to strip my clothes off- falling into the water.

I started to take a swim keeping my head underwater for a bit until I started to suffocate.  I quickly brought my head out of the water- breathing heavily in pain.  "You really shouldn't be skinny dipping in a public place." A voice said as I glanced back to see Justin... "What are you doing here?"

He took a seat, removing his shoes and socks- dipping his feet into the lake.  "Probably the same reason that you're here- to think." He explained with a sigh.  "But I wouldn't skinny dip- and I thought you wouldn't either." He said in a strange tone as I sighed, staring away.  "Yeah, I guess I wouldn't pick Ad to be a druggie, but here we are." I sighed, grabbing a hairband and putting my hair in a bun.

"Has it gotten that bad...?" Justin asked in nervousness, "I... Don't know, I want to believe he's not doing anything, but drugs are addictive, and it's hard to stop." I leaned against the dirt next to Justin.  "You make it sound like you've done it before." He chuckled as I nodded, smile less.  "Because I have..." I spoke with a voice, "It happened a few years back... I just wanted to escape, and I regretted the addiction."

Justin seemed sad as I wanted to cry but held myself together, "It was hard to get out of so yes, I know very well how it feels." I explained confidently as Justin rubbed his neck, "I'm so sorry to hear." He spoke as I shook my head, "It's in the past, I have to focus on the now." I explained as he seemed confused- "What's the now exactly?" He asked.

"Well... It's an apology; first, I'm sorry for hitting you. I wasn't mad at you, and I know it's not your fault- I was furious with Ad. I expected him to be better, and then he did that..." I sighed.  "It's ok, and it was my fault... I knew he was broken and gave him a clutch to drown into." Justin apologized, "What do you feel for him?" Justin asked as I sighed.

"Honestly- he's just confused me to hell and back," I said, but Justin shook his head- "That doesn't answer my question." He spoke.

"Huh?" I asked as he grabbed my hand- "Sue, you are literally the best friend I've ever had, and with that being said, I know you. I know you're always thinking in that big brain of yours- you don't see what you want because you and Ad have fallen into a tough spot during the relationship right now. Your scared, but I saw those big eyes and red cheeks you had while staring at him- maybe I'm wrong, but don't let him go. Whether it's friendship or not." He explained with an honest smile.

I sighed, "Even if I did... He won't answer my calls." Justin nodded and pulled his phone out, putting it to his ear. "Hey, Ad, I was wondering if you had some old history notes I could cheat off." Justin was silent for a moment until he nodded and agreed, "Ok, bye." Justin hung up and looked at me, "He's gone." "Gone from his home?" I asked as Justin shook his head.

"He's leaving for the airport with his family," Justin said as my eyes widened- "WHAT?! WHERE IS HE NOW?!" I yelled, sliding on my shirt with Justin turning around to give me some privacy. "He's still home, packing. I'm sure we can get there before he leaves." He pulls out some keys, "Where did you get those?" I asked as we started walking to a car, "I stole my dad's car- again."

I sighed, but Justin gave me a wink and smile. "I'll be better tomorrow- probably."

We hopped in his car and arrived at what was Addy's house- "So this is the place?" I asked as Justin nodded, "You've never been here before?" He asked as I shook my head, "He never invited me." I went to the front door, knocking, but no one answered. "Go check the side for an open window; I'll be here, " Justin told me as I nodded, going to the side of the house.

I noticed a window open on the top floor, strange. "ADDY!" I yelled, but nothing happened. I sighed and took a few more steps until I heard a crack underneath my cleats. I glanced at the grab and saw a broken lighter and a single cigarette that was never lit. "Ad..." I felt a bit sad.

*Crack* I jumped up and ran to the front of the house, seeing broken glass from one of the windows next to the front door. Justin put his hand through and opened the door- "Go in, malady." He pretended to be polite, but I glared- "Seriously- get the f*ck in before we get arrested." He blurted as I panicked inside with him following me.

It looked so "Empty-" Justin said as I nodded; we checked the entire house until we arrived in what was Ad's room. I noticed a paper slip on the ground, "Autumn Flight Airlines."

I spoke as Justin nodded, showing me Ad's snap location only just a few minutes ago on the road. "Let's go!" Justin dragged me to the car. "We are taking this b*tch to find your man!" He laughed, driving. "Oh, cr*p." I squeaked.

~Ad's POV~


I was packing my clothes up in a bag until I got a call from Justin- I picked up, and he was asking about cheats for homework. "I could send you the notes if you want, but it won't be for a few hours. I'm going to the airport with my family." I explained as he sighed, "Ok, bye." He said as I noticed Zarda come in, I hung up the call- putting it away in my bag.

"Addy, can you help me with my luggage?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, my stuff is pretty much in the car, so let's go." I put my bag strap over my shoulder and grabbed Zarda's bags. We headed to the trunk of the car- putting the bags away.


I was sitting in some chair near the entrance of the plane my family is supposed to go through- The intercom came on, and immediately they called the flight. We got up and started walking; I stopped and continued to watch my family walk to the entrance. "Wait!" A pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Huh?" I glanced behind me to be turned around by a short girl- "Sue?"

"PLEASE DON'T GO! I KNOW I'VE BEEN SUCH A B*TCH BUT I DON'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE BECAUSE I WAS A TERRIBLE FRIEND!" She exclaimed as she teared up; I was so confused but immediately gathered my thoughts.

"I'm not going to India," I said as she tilted her head, "Wha-" "My parents and sister are going back since they would rather be there with work instead of homeless here- My dad used the rest of their funds here to buy tickets and said I could stay since I have a job and I'll be an adult next year so I'll be able to get an apartment. For now, he got me a small apartment under his name, but I have to pay for it, which I took the offer." I explained as her face became red, and I blushed, realizing how we held each other.

I noticed others staring at us, "KISS HER! THE CROWD IS WAITING!" An adult man yelled, "DON'T YOU DARE MAKE OUT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" A voice barked as we noticed Justin come up to us, immediately the crowd left in a panic. "Thanks...?" I said, confused with Justin shrugging- "No prob- that crowd was weird." He explained, taking a seat with his burger.

~Sue's POV~

Ad and I stared at each other until I let him go- "I'm uh- going to take a seat too." I turned around, sitting next to Justin. Ad stayed standing, waving his family goodbye. "Where'd you get that burger?" I asked as he passed me a soda, "As soon as you ran out of the crashed car- I got hungry and ran to a fast food place really fast." He explained as I felt confused- "You crashed the car?!" I yelled. "Look- wasn't my fault. The other guy hit me; I just left because I have no license, and technically, I'll be fine. We just need a taxi to leave." He explained.

"Ugh, you are going to kill me." I sighed, "Not yet." He laughed as I punched his arm. "Ah, sh*t- my burger!" The burger dropped some pickles, "MY PICKLES! NOOOOO!" Justin cried. "Ok, you guys ready to leave?" Ad asked as we nodded.

We started to walk to the entrance, "By the way, how did you guys get here?" Ad asked as Justin, and I stared at each- "Don't worry about it." We both said. "Ok?" Ad shrugged as I got in the front seat with Justin in the back and Ad at the driver seat. We drove in silence for a while- "You were worried?" Ad asked as I blushed, "About you? How could I not?" I said as he sighed with a sad smile.

"Right, you care about all your friends." He sighed as I grabbed his hand, locking our fingers. "Maybe... I could try and see it differently if you gave me a chance." I smiled lightly as he blushed with a hopeful smile. "Of course..." He spoke.

"Ew barf-" Justin pretended to hurl as I felt annoyed- "SHUT UP, JUSTIN!" I yelled with Ad and Justin laughing.