Chapter [24] Hi, You

~Sue's POV~

Ad and have been spending a lot of time together, and slowly I'm getting more and more invested in the idea of us as a couple.  At first, it was just a test, but now I'm starting to see a real future with Ad because I might be falling for him.  I've been trying to set up a date for us, and I was trying to ask Ad about it, but he seems to be on his phone more than usual.  It's okay, I guess, because I usually write on my phone often and he writes a blog, so I understand the importance of appeasing fans.  I've taken this chance to plan the date of his dreams- first a movie, then a fancy candlelight dinner, and finally, a beautiful small confession under the stars.

I've prepared my heart to say a little confession- not an "I love you" because I'll die but close to that.  I wore a cute red dress, black leggings, red heels, and some strands in a ponytail.

Quickly I went to Ad and pulled his keys from the bowl near the door.  "Ad! Let's go!" I yelled from the living room, and he came out in regular clothes.  "Wait- are we going somewhere special?" He asked as I shrugged, "You'll see- come on." I said as he seemed a bit hesitant, "Maybe I should go change before-" Ad was about to go off to his room, but I dragged him to the car.

/Time skip/

The movie was pretty quiet, and he did wrap his arm around me at some point and gave me his sweater when I was freezing. 

Next was reservations at the fanciest restaurant I could- I admit that I was taking extra hours on the job I have right now at the store I was working at because I didn't know if I had enough for us both to have meals here since it is pretty expensive.

I took more hours for this date to be perfect, and I plan for it to be perfect for him.  I took a step inside the restaurant, and immediately Ad grabbed my shoulder, "Uh, babe. I know I've been working really hard, but maybe we can just eat somewhere regular for both of us?" He said a bit anxious- Ad knows I hate to admit that sometimes I can't pay for a restaurant because I want us to be equal, but I'm positive I can do this for him.

He's a formal guy, so he thinks he should pay for me when having dinner, but today I'm traditional.  "Don't worry; I got this- I swear!" I said with big eyes, and he sighed with a slight smile.  "Fine, but dinner is on me next time." He said.

A waiter directed us to a table, and I opened the menu, feeling my soul drain from my body.  "Uh... We can still eat somewhere else." Ad spoke.

"Nope, I got this." I struggled to say as I was internally crying for my bank account.  "But don't get too much! I don't think I can get more than two meals and a dessert!" I panicked in fear as Ad nodded with a smile.

"I gotcha." He nodded; we ordered the cheapest meals because Ad said we should- for my sake, which embarrassed me a bit, but we had a good conversation until I started to try flirting, which I am not good at.

"So... Are you a thermometer?" I asked, blushing as Ad drank some water- staring in confusion.  "Why do you ask...?" "I need you to take my temperature because I think I have a fever-" that wasn't the line- I think... I practiced yesterday! And now Ad looks confused. "Are you trying to flirt?" He asked with a slight smile as I sighed with a nodded.

"Yes, I'm trying."

I moved my hand to his elbow, blushing as I stroked it with him reddening. His arm hit his drink, and it spilled all over him, "Oh no! I'm sorry!" I panicked, trying to dry his clothes with a napkin. "I-It's fine; I'll be right back." He got up, heading to the bathroom as I sighed.

I knew I shouldn't have tried- I suck at this stuff! I started to wipe down his chair and side of the table until I noticed his phone on the ground?

He must have dropped it; I opened it and realized it was on do not disturb...? I turned it off and noticed a bunch of insta messages from Aanu... I was going to check more, but Ad was coming back.

I retook a seat and pretended to be normal, but honestly, I was nervous- why didn't he tell me they were talking? It's sketchy and nerve-wracking.

/Time skip/

I ended up pushing the whole Aanu thing out of my head and decided it must be nothing serious. We arrived in the park, the moon above us in beautiful lighting- it's perfect!

I stopped, staring at his smile and grabbing his hands. "Ad, I know we haven't really known each other for long, but I feel as if-" I was interrupted by an annoying screech, "Addy!" I didn't know who the voice belonged to, but Addy grabbed my face with sparkling eyes. "It might be nothing, continue, please." He was eager to hear my confession, but we kept hearing someone call his name out until a girl jumped on his back.

It was the one person I didn't want to see, Aanu. "Oh! Did I interrupt something?" She said- hugging Ad. "Excuse me, watch your hands." I grabbed Ad, having him by my side.

"Oh, is this your sister?! She's so cute!" Aanu mocked me- touching my cheeks until I slapped her off me. "Don't touch me; however, you feel; I'm not a toy, and I'm Addy's girlfriends." I hissed as Aanu laughed.

"There's no way such a small fry is dating my ex." She laughed at me as I felt angry, "Well, maybe you should shut the f*ck up and realize you're a h*e, and all your good for is f*cking. Because that mouth sure can't say anything useful-" Ad grabbed me and pulled me behind him. "Sue, language." He said as I growled. His culture is all about respect for elders, but I could care less about Aanu right now.

"F*ck you, Addy, you are supposed to back me up!" I yelled as he seemed a bit annoyed. "I'll pretend you didn't say that, turn around and go home." He said as I laughed. "Are you demanding me?" I grinned in anger.

"I'm sorry, I-" I cut Ad off, "You know what, let's play that game. It's either her or me, I'm giving you a choice. You have a week, and if you don't choose- I will." I turned around, hearing Ad yell out to me, but I didn't care. Worst. Date. Ever.