Chapter [26] Season 1 Finale

~Justin's POV~

I'm not the type of person to pick a random fight- I mean, I am, but there is always a reason. Today's motivation is to beat the sh*t out of Ad for making my best friend cry- I won't tell Sue, of course, since she'll fight me instead.  I was rummaging through my locker to grab a crowbar- "Hey, J!" A voice yelled in my ear as I panicked, "S-Sue!" I turned to see her.  She noticed my hands, "Is that a crowbar?" She asked as I nodded, "My... teacher asked if I could open his classroom since he lost the key."

I honestly just pulled that out my *ss, and she agreed-

"You really need to stop being gullible," I whispered as she titled her head.  "Anyway, what are you doing here?" I questioned.  "Remember- today is the basketball tryouts. You and I are going together?" she held her bag as I nodded, remembering to grab my bag, and we ran off to the gym.

I got dressed up, and immediately we both stepped out into the tryout line. "You two are late." Coach spoke as I grinned, "If you pick me, I'll always be late." He rolled his eyes as I laughed.

I noticed the gym door open to see Ad; he ran into the line.

"Well, look who else is late." Coach started to walk to him- "Sorry, coach." Ad said as I glanced at Sue, who seemed neutral, but I could see her eyes were tearing up.

We were put on individual teams; Sue and Ad were on the opposite team of me. Ad and I were team captains- I don't really care if Sue beats me on the other team; I just want to hurt Ad's pride.

We played for a bit, and each time he had or was going to get the ball, I would push him or slap the ball away from him. It p*ssed him off. The next round started, and during that time, the coach began to pick people off the teams who he doesn't think should be on the basketball team.

"Sue- you are done." The coach said as she nodded, taking a seat on the benches. She seemed a bit down but gave me a thumbs up nonetheless for good luck.

I glanced at Ad as he threw the ball at me, "Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "Stop pushing me." he said as I laughed. "Why? Are you getting mad?" I grinned, "Don't be cocky- you haven't affected me yet."

He said as we started to play, and at some point, I knocked him to the floor. "Sorry." I sarcastically said as he got up, punching me to the ground. "Oops, my mistake." he taunted.

I got up and tackled him- "Hey, stop!" A few teaches grabbed me along with Sue.

Some other teachers took Ad out of the gym as he cursed me out- "Why would you do that!?" Sue yelled as I shrugged, "I won't let him get away with hurting you- that was his karma." I spoke in annoyance.

/Time skip/

I was outside the school smoking- I saw the entrance open to see Ad walking away. "HAVE A NICE DAY!" I yelled sarcastically. He stopped and turned to see me- "What the h*ll is your problem- man?"

He barked as I felt disgusted at his question. "Are you serious? You get to cheat and break my friend's heart and act like you did nothing?"

I dropped my cigarette and went over to him; he was speechless. "I actually liked you, I really did. You were a good person, and then you f*cked up- I may have given you the cigarette, but I didn't smoke it for you. It was your choice, just like it was to cheat on Sue. Before you judge me- just remember you're a piece of sh*t too." I said, walking away.

~Sue's POV~

I sat on a street corner, thinking for a bit; I noticed Ad sit next to me. "I'm sorry..." he spoke, and for a while, we stayed in silence until I saw him cry in pain. My eyes started to drop tears, but I just stared at the street- I grabbed his hand, locking our fingers.

|Fun Side Story- Justin's POV|

I was walking with earbuds in until I noticed a firetruck go up the street? "There is no way..." I quickly ran down the sidewalk, took a left turn, and headed into the alley, which led me to the woods of the school. I caught my breath and saw the school set aflame- I remembered my cigarette from earlier and forgot to put it out.

"Look who's the dumb*ss now- me." I sighed and smoked again- staring at the beautiful scenery of the school burning down. "Worth it."

*Extra Info: Yes, this is the finale for season 1 but don't worry! I have more planned for season 2; season two will come out next week with my regular two-chapter schedule for this book. I hope you all enjoy and stay tuned for more! Love you all and have a great day- bye!<3*