|S2| Chapter [02]

~Sue's POV~

  Life has been really... Painful these past few months- I can't recall everything that happened at all once, so let me explain.  Ad called me not too long in September saying he'll come back in October instead because his parents want to spend more time with him- but he would be returning on his birthday.  Next, Nicole is still nowhere to be seen- I miss her so much...

  Alyra has been having a great time with her new boi toy- they seem to be getting close to the dating stage, but he seems to rub me the wrong way.  I think it's my head, but he seems... Strange.  Justin failed, so now he's just doing whatever.

  I'm honestly concerned for him- I told him that if he works hard enough, he can take a test to come to be transferred to be a sophomore with us, but he doesn't seem to care.

  "He's not waking up!"

  Danielle barked; I didn't know what to feel.  I didn't know how to feel... what am I supposed to feel?  "SUE! WHAT DO WE DO!" Daniel grabbed me and shook me, but I was speechless- I had no idea what to do.

  "F*ck it- I'm calling an ambulance!" Anthony yelled, but all I did was stare at Eli's lifeless body- why aren't I doing anything?

  I woke up- staring at the room around me.  Why do I keep remembering that?  Every night I go back to that moment of confusion, and I still don't know what happened to me.  I left my room and walked to the living room- seeing Justin smoking on the couch.

"HEY! You're finally awake! I was getting bored- waiting." He pretended to weep- "Stop smoking in here- Ad made it clear your not allowed to do that." I scrunched my nose at him as he grabbed one of my books- pushing the cigarette to put it out.


I grabbed my book- seeing a burned mark on the cover! "I'll buy you a new one." He grabbed the book, stuffing it in his backpack.

"Ugh," I groaned, heading to the kitchen to drink some water. "You look like h*ll, by the way-" Justin mentioned, leaning against the counter. "Such a romantic-" I rolled my eyes, "Your a bit of a b*tch today- lemme guess. You had that Eli dream again?" I nodded at him.

"It wasn't your fault- don't keep blaming yourself." He spoke sincerely, but I didn't know what to say- "I think the problem is I don't know if I should be blaming myself- I don't know what to think."

"Then stop thinking about it." He said, it's not that easy. "I know it's not that easy, but nothing is." He said as I felt surprised- "How did you-" he winked with a grin, "I'm your best friend- it's my job to know." He laughed as I narrowed my eyes at him. "But really- just chill out and stop thinking about it. It'll be good for you."

He poked my forehead, "now get your *ss dressed- we are going to go to the arcade." "Why?" I asked, "Can't you just bring your PS here so we can play?" Justin immediately blushed, rubbing his neck. "I might have sort of... broke it."

I sighed, "How?" "I left it on my bed one day; I forgot it was there and kinda jumped on my bed- smashing it." he pulled his shirt to show a massive bruise on the side of his back. "Jeez man-" "Ok, go get dressed!" he pushed me to my room.