|S2| Chapter [04]

~Justin's POV~

  I coughed knocking on Ad and Sue's apartment door again- I spotted Sue open it, and she held a cup of coffee.  She passed it to me with a sigh, "again?" I went inside- sitting at the table for breakfast with her.  "It's the 10th time this week you've been kicked out- when are you going to stop causing trouble!?" she passed me food- "It's not my fault."

  I laid my head back to think- earlier, my dad and I got into a fight over nothing. Technically he beat the sh*t out of me, leaving a few bruises on my chest, and being choked really hurt- my throat feels clogged.

"Babe, what's for-" I heard a groan after the sentence to see Ad- "Hello, Addy." I grinned with him glaring. "What the h*ll is he doing here- again." Sue got up and pulled Ad into the living room- at first, I heard them whisper, but it seems that Ad just got louder as he became angry.

"Sue, you can't keep babying him! He's your friend- not your family!" Ad shouted as I could hear the sadness in Sue's voice. "WELL, HE IS MY FAMILY! MY MOM, BROTHER, DAD LEFT ME. ONLY MY FRIENDS HELPED ME SO YEAH- HE IS MY FAMILY. The only one I have..." I heard her rustle- she came into the kitchen and grabbed my hand. "Come on, J- we are eating out for breakfast."

She dragged me out, pulling out her car keys and driving us to a nearby coffee shop/library. It's one of her favorite places, so we sat down at a table together. I noticed her pull out her computer with a stressful sigh- under her eyes was dark out of tiredness and or lack of sleep.

As much as I wanted to say something helpful- I had nothing that would help her. "Want me to get you some tea?" I questioned as she gave a light smile- "Yeah, thank you." She nodded, scratching her head.

I walked to the line, and immediately some girls behind me started to whisper-

"He would be such a good looking guy if it weren't for his face." I rolled my eyes, putting in my earbuds as I knew what they were talking about.

Just like those girls mentioned- I'm a handsome guy. I'm not the hottest or the bad boy but pretty average- the issue is I have many scars on my face from my dad. Cuts, bruises, scars, you name it.

I don't care too much about what other people say, but I care what my friends think- it's stupid, I know, but as Sue said, they are my family.

You respect what family think even though they may not say much- " You're cute", "Handsome." or "Hot." The words are so small but mean so much. I arrived at the counter, pulling out one of my earbuds- "What would you like?" the cashier asked.

"Can I have one medium ginger honey tea and a medium ice coffee." I asked as he nodded- giving me a total price. I pulled out my wallet to see enough cash barely for some food... I gave a troubled sigh but handed over the money.

"Your drinks will be out in 5 minutes." he smiled, better be.

I walked to the library part of the store and found a few books that I knew Sue needed for her essay- I went over and shaked the books in her face. "Look what I found." I winked as she seemed happy, "My hero." she laughed as I chuckled along.

I passed her the books, grabbed our drinks, and then we talked and laughed for a while.

/Time skip/

We came back earlier to an empty house- no Ad was to be seen, and I think it was better that way.

I could see Sue's hands fidget to her phone, but she seemed troubled in between fighting for me or fighting against me. Finally, she made a silent choice not to call Ad- she chose me...

Granted, I don't like Ad, but I can't stand to see Sue torn between her friends and boyfriend. "Hey, you have somewhere to go for the night- right?" she asked as I nodded- yeah, the street. She patted my back and dragged me to the extra bedroom.

"Undress- I'll start your shower." she ordered me with a tired command, and as much as I could fight back- today isn't the day.

I took off my jacket and shirt, "Ok- it's ready-" A voice cut off; I glanced to see Sue walk in on me. "Justin... Your chest." she walked passively to see some gashes, blood, and cuts on my chest and back. She looked like she wanted to help me, but I just hugged her.

"I'm sorry that I caused you and Ad problems- I'm just a waste of space..." I managed to cough up before I almost cried. "You aren't- I just... Need Ad to understand that you matter to me." She said, patting my head.

"What if he doesn't?" I questioned as she narrowed her eyes- "Then you and I need a change of speed." I stared at her, confused, but she walked out before I could ask more questions.

I took a little shower and walked out to hear Sue and Ad in the living room. "We need to move." she said, "Sue, don't do this again. Is this for Justin? Leave him alone- he's already in the dirt where he belongs." Ad said. "Ad, you either care about my friends as I do, or I think this is over." she pointed between both of them.

I don't want to keep being noisy- I'll just go to bed from this point on. I've already f*cked up Sue and Ad's relationship- I'll stay out of it right now.