|S2| Chapter [11]

~Sue's POV~

As soon as I arrived in the hospital- I wasn't allowed to see Nicole... I asked Justin to come outside of the room to explain what happened, but he said he would explain later and stay with Nicole until she wakes up- if she ever does...

I stayed in the lobby all night, I slept in chairs- or I barely slept. I kept waiting for a call or text from J that said I could see her, but I mostly kept getting awoken by messages from Ad and notifications.

It was already 7 am, and I had gotten no sleep all night- I was just curled up in two chairs.

"Hello, are you Sue?" I noticed a nurse come up to me- I stood quickly, almost losing my balance.

"Yeah, that's me!"

She nodded, "Justin instructed us to tell you that she can now have visitors- would you like-" "Yes! I would like to see her!" I nodded, grabbing my stuff. The nurse started to lead me to Nicole's room- I arrived outside a door and ran in, seeing Nicole on a bed.

"NICOLE!" I rushed over, wrapping my arms around her as she smiled in happiness. "I'm so glad your here." she grinned-

"What happened?! J said he was taking you to the hospital." I questioned as she rubbed her neck- giving a blank stare but a fake smile. "About that-" "BRO! I FOUND SOME BURGERS IN THE CAFETERIA! WHOOP WHOOP!"

I noticed the door being kicked open by J- "Oh- hey Sue!" he yelled with a bag of food and drinks. "Where did you get that?" I pointed to the burger in his hands- "Cafeteria." "But the cafeteria isn't selling burgers..." I said as he started to blush- "Ok, you caught me. I barged into the back kitchen and made three burgers for all of us." he grinned.

  "J- come here."

  Nicole ordered as J munched on his burger, leaning into her- she slapped it out of his hands.  "MY BURGER!" He started to tear up- "F*CK YOUR BURGER!" he slowly began to crawl onto the ground and pick the pieces of his burger. 

  "W-Why did she have to suffer- TAKE ME INSTEAD!" he legit cried on the floor- "J, get the f*ck up- I'll buy you a new one." Nicole said, throwing money at him, and quickly, he grabbed the cash and smiled.

  "You are a b*tch for killing my burger, though-" Justin said to Nicole, and quickly she flicked him off as he smiled-

  "Love you too." Am I the only one confused here?

/Time skip/

  After Nicole and J roughhoused for a few hours- Nicole had gotten tired and fell asleep while J and I shared the burger he made for me.  The question was still on my mind as I stared at him- "What?" he finally noticed me.

  "Nothing-" I looked away as he glared, "Sue, you were staring at me for 10 minutes. I thought you were thinking about how well I do in bed-" I glared at J as he laughed- "Shut up! I was going to ask what happened to Nicole."

  He sighed and seemed serious for once in his life- "I arrived at her house, and the first thing I saw was her hanging... The majority of her body was cut open and... I didn't know what the f*ck to do."

  My eyes started to swell as I saw him cry- "For the first time in my life- I was scared to lose my best friend. I was so terrified that I would die for her instead- you know how scary it is to see one of the best people in your life- almost die in front of you."

  His voice began to crack as I hugged him- "But you saved her, you are her hero. You acted, and I'm proud of you for doing that."

  I rubbed his back while he coughed, "I didn't want to say anything because... It seems so wrong to talk about this in front of her." I nodded at him, "I understand."

  I was about to drink one of the tea's J got earlier until a thought occurred to me- "Did you buy this?" he grinned and shrugged, "Nope, you might want to wash those fingerprints off." I dropped it- "How reckless can you be?"

  "You wanna bet?" I shrugged at his dumb answer and put a 20 on the table.  "Cool, I crashed your car yesterday." he grabbed the 20 as my eyes became wide.  "WHAT!?" "Yeah, it got towed earlier." he shrugged as I panicked- "B*tch, where is it!"

  I grabbed his collar as he faked some puppy eyes- "You didn't even say please-" "J, I will cut off the pickle inside your pants." I threatened as he shrugged- "Bet." he pulled a pickle from his jean pocket-

  "W-What the f*ck-" I was speechless as he shrugged- "You said you were going to cut it- make them into small pieces so I can eat them." he smiled as I was confused- "Where the h*ll did that pickle come from?!"

  "My pocket- are you blind?" he was being a smart*ss- "No, like was that just in your pocket?" he shook his head at my question,

  "No, that would be weird. It was in the bag." "What bag?" he pulled a plastic bag from the same pocket, which held two more pickles.

  "What the h*ll- why is a pickle in a bag with more pickles inside your pocket?" I asked, "Because the jar wouldn't fit in my pocket." I was even more confused- "Where's the pickle jar?" "In my backpack." he pointed to his bag. 

  "Wait- so you have the pickle jar in your backpack and a bag of pickles in your pocket- and you knew you were going to carry the pickle jar- why didn't you just leave the pickles in the jar?" I asked as he looked so confused.

  "I- I don't know... F*ck off! Don't judge me!" he took a bite out of his pickle- "B*tch-" I glared at him.  "Don't you have to go find your towed car?" he asked as I panicked, "MY CAR!" I ran out of the room.