|S2| Chapter [10]

*Warning- This chapter contains suicidal actions/thoughts, depression, and very hard to read ideas. Please skip this page if any of these ideas trigger you in any way.*

~Nicole's POV~

I couldn't stop crying; my heart just ached over and over again. My head was filled with thoughts of despair- no one was hurting me, no one was threatening me, so why do I feel like this?  Why do I feel like dying, feel like no one loves me... I stared at the blood, slowly dripping out of my arms.

  Slit new scars on my body- I noticed the knife next to me... I curled up in a ball, suffering in a pool of blood.

  Everything was becoming blurry with my tears and maybe because of blood loss- I don't know.  I glanced at my phone with my hand lightly picking it up, seeing multiple texts over a mass of two months or more.

  I opened them- the ones a long time ago were simple hello's, and slowly they grew into concern... I decided to call Sue's number since she seemed to be blasting my phone the entire time...

Whatever happens- creates the choice of living or dying.

It rang once... Twice... "Please, Sue..." three... Voicemail. My body shook- I quickly threw my phone across the room. Watching it crack to the ground, my body got up in pain..

I slowly walked my way to the chair in the middle of the room with a rope hanging above it. My eyes teared more, but I felt content with this decision. I stood on the chair, and I moved my head into the hole of the rope.

I was about to drop, but for a second, I thought I heard my phone ring- I glanced at it, and the screen just looked blurry. I sighed- feeling ok with this decision.

I pushed the chair to the ground, and immediately I started suffocating.

I heard a sound- MY PHONE! I glanced at it as I slowly started to lose consciousness. N-No! I cried, struggling to stay alive, and somehow I magically hoped to have the phone appear in my hands-

~Justin's POV~

Nicole didn't pick up- the feeling of fear grew wider inside me. I tried one more call, and immediately my heart started to race- I drove onto Nicole's lawn and banged on the door. Nothing- I didn't care and went to the back- climbing onto the tree next to Nicole's house and smashing the window.

The first thing I saw- Nicole hanging with a look of complete and utter fear. Blood was everywhere on the floor, but I didn't hesitate at all-. I pulled out my pocket knife and cut her down, letting her drop into the puddle of blood.

I grabbed one of her blankets and picked her up-; she slowly started to close her eyes. She's either out of breathe or f*cking bleeding out. I didn't care and found her inhaler- puffing it in her mouth. "Stay with me, Nicole- come on. Don't sleep, or you'll fall into a f*cking coma." my voice was trying to stay calm, but I was scared.

I kept slapping Nicole awake- calling 911.

"Yes, how may I help you?" "Yes- hello! I need an ambulance- my friend is bleeding out, and I just- she needs help! Please!" I begged- "I'm sorry, sir, but all our emergency vehicles are out, you'll have to wait-" "HOW LONG!" I frustratedly asked- "I'm not sure-" I hung up- "F*ck!"

I started to panic heavily, but I looked at Nicole- "Ok, ok." I caught my breath and picked her up. "I'm taking you to the hospital- don't you f*cking worry," I said, but she seemed to be slowly dying...

I ran to the car and put her in the seat next to mine.

I drove, talking, hitting, snapping her awake. "Nicole- I swear to f*cking God- if you die on me, I'm going up there myself and beating the sh*t out of you in heaven!" I yelled as she lightly smiled.

Soon we were getting close to the hospital- I tried to keep her awake, but a few seconds after she would not wake up! I started to drop tears and punch her- "DON'T DIE ON ME- YOU B*TCH!"

I crashed into a car, taking Nicole and rushing into the hospital covered in blood. "Sir-" Many doctors approached me as I pushed Nicole into their hands. "SAVE MY FRIEND!" I yelled with tears- they slowly took her, and I followed.

A nurse quickly grabbed me in the hall, but I became restless because I could barely see Nicole. "Do you want to be treated, sir-" "No," I said, trying to follow Nicole's bed, but the nurse stopped me again. "Sir- I insist you get patched-" "F*CK YOU! I'LL GET TREATED WHEN MY FRIEND IS MADE SURE TO BE ALIVE!"

She was scared; I ran past her and kept following Nicole's bed.

|After story note: Hi! Author here! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and follow me on insta at @somethin_sue- for more updates, previews and etc, about my latest books! Bye!|