Chapter Five

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."

-Adolf Hitler

"Math done right is like a perfect sphere." explained mother. "From any angle it should look the same."

This was something Henry reflected upon. His mother was gone. She wouldn't have been if the government hadn't forced her to eat what she didn't want to. She was allergic to tomatoes but the state didn't care.

"We're all just pawns to them." Henry thought.

He drove slowly as this was not only his first time driving but his first time in a car in general. Henry looked around and saw things he'd never seen before. Something he realized was that there were people outside.

"No one is supposed to be out here." Henry thought.

They were all wearing their safety suits of course but, no one that looked like Henry was out there. He looked through the windows, which were transparent from the outside, and saw that everyone of his "pale" complexion was in their homes.

Everyone else was allowed to be outside. Another thing Henry noticed while looking around was that there were big pedestals everywhere. They were empty but they looked like they once contained something, some kind of... figure. Henry had no idea what it was but it seemed like whatever it was, it used to be important.

"Escapee detected." a voice said.

"Oh shit." Henry thought.

The security bot activated and flew towards the car. Henry slammed his foot on the gas.

"You have been deemed non-essential." the bot said.

It shot at the car but missed. Henry drove faster and faster towards the side of a building.

"Hang on!" Henry said to no one. He slammed on the brake just before crashing. The security bot didn't stop fast enough and smashed into the building. Henry then drove away. He turned on the GPS device his grandpa had told him about.

"Take me to the capital." Henry told the GPS.