Chapter Six

"Hate looks like everybody else until it smiles."

-Taheren Mafi

Henry drove up to the capital building and parked. For the first time, he noticed that everyone around him was looking at him disapprovingly. Almost like he was breaking, not exactly a law but, some kind of social norm. Like driving a car was an un thought of thing. Henry got out and he could here audible gasps.

"He's not wearing a safety suit." muttered one woman.

"He's not supposed to be out of his house." a man grumbled.

Henry ran swiftly into the capital building. Suddenly a police officer marched towards him.

"Sir! Return to your home immediately!" the guard said.

Henry ignored him. The guard repeated himself: "Sir! Return to your home or I will be forced to open fire!" Henry stopped.

"It's my constitutional right to enter and leave any building I choose." Henry argued.

The officer loaded his gun.

"When the government gives you an order, your rights are suspended!" the officer yelled.

The safety suit wearing guard approached Henry.

"Alright look." whispered the guard. "I don't really wanna enforce these stupid useless rules but they're making me"

"Who is?" Henry asked.

But before the guard could answer he was shot in the head. As he collapsed to the ground Henry grabbed his gun. He quickly spun around.

"Whoever's got their gun trained on me, I'm armed now!" Henry yelled.

He made his way into the capital and towards the president's office. He busted down the door and pointed his gun at JN Peloscer.

"This ends now!" Henry proclaimed.

Peloscer got off her fancy, throne-like chair and walked, carefree up to Henry.

"And who's going to stop me?" Peloscer asked.

"Me!" Henry said.

"You?" JN said, suppressing a laugh. "You're nothing. You can't stop me. You don't deserve to stop me."

Peloscer put her forehead up to Henry's gun. Henry tried pulling the trigger but he couldn't.

"The trigger's broken." Henry said.

"No," JN Peloscer said, while smiling a devilish smile. "It's something programmed deep within your kind. You know you don't have the right to have freedom. Now you will drop the gun and kneel."

Henry obeyed.

"What? Why'd I do that." Henry asked, dumbfounded.

"Because you're a good little sheep. Just like the rest of them." Peloscer said while snapping her fingers.

Two guards ran up and hauled Henry off.