Grandpa Z

"Recent studies have revealed that a symptom of the virus is a compulsive need to rebel against authority." the newscaster said.

"Utter lies." Grandpa exclaimed.

"Breaking news at the capital building as a police officer was shot." The reporter said.

"What?" Grandpa thought.

The news continued: "Reports have identified the gunman as 15 year old Henry Freeman of Washington D.C."

"Uh oh." Grandpa thought.

Suddenly the door was slid open and 4 police officers barged in. Grandpa Z turned off the TV.

"What seems to be the problem officers?" Grandpa asked in a friendly tone.

One of the officers punched the 90 year old grandfather in the face.

"What the hell!" Grandpa yelled.

"You are suspected of being involved in the gunman incident down town!" the officer exclaimed.

They all pilled on top of Grandpa Z and one of them held a gun to Grandpa's head.

"Ironic that today is July 4th." Grandpa murmured, breathlessly.

The officer pulled the trigger.