"They who give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin
The next thing Henry knew, he was strapped to a chair in a room with a giant window and a TV playing the news. President Peloscer walked in.
"Sometimes I come in here and observe the cattle through the one sided window." She said.
"Let me go!" Henry demanded.
Peloscer cackled.
"No, I think not." said the president. "You're too dangerous to be free ranged."
Henry looked at the TV.
"They say the police officer was politely asking Henry why he wasn't wearing his protective suit and the assailant grabbed the officer's gun and shot him in the head." The newscaster said.
"What!" Yelled Henry. "That's not what happened. You killed him!"
Peloscer turned to face Henry. "He knew too much." She said.
"Someone will stop you." Henry said.
"Who?" Asked JN. "Those walking taxes? They believe whatever the media, and by extension, I tell them. If I told them that eating their own shirts could cure the virus they would do it."
"And what about this virus?" Asked Henry. "Is it even real?"
"It was." Peloscer revealed. "Someone cured it a while ago but, accidents... happen." Peloscer gave Henry a wink.
"You're a monster." Henry said.
JN turned to the window. "Am I? Peloscer asked. "Look at the crime rate. How about hunger? And without any cars, there is no pollution."
"There's also no freedom, choice, or even thought." Argued Henry. "You've created a country of fear and oppression! You've turned families against each other! My grandpa told me about how, when he was a teenager, his father and his aunt refused to talk because his father wouldn't wear a safety suit and his aunt was a sheep! You say this is for their protection but really it's because you refuse to give up power!"
JN Peloscer slowly turned around. "You're right, Henry." Said Peloscer in a malevolent tone. "I've been far too lenient with the voters."
"Uh oh." Henry thought, while wearing a concerned look on his face. President Peloscer walked off towards a room with a big camera in it.
"I'm calling an emergency video conference." She said.
At that moment, every screen in America switched to an image of JN Peloscer.
"Attention citizens of the United States." Peloscer exclaimed. "Recent studies confirm that extreme heat kills the virus. I would like to ask that only the people in their homes exit and report to the nearest heating station installed in you city."
In that moment, all the people locked in their houses marched through the streets towards large, windowless, metal rooms with vents on the roofs.
"No, you can't do this!" Henry said to Peloscer, knowing full well she wasn't in the room.
"They're innocent! They don't deserve that!"
As the people sat in the giant, dark rooms, fire began to light up and grow. Henry closed his eyes, trying to pretend it was all a dream. After a few minutes, Henry opened his eyes and saw big, dark clouds of ash and soot.
"After the treatment is complete, proceed back to your homes." JN Peloscer demanded. "Stay inside, stay safe and remember, this is for your own protection."