Did I get Reincarnated?


The voice belonged to a tall winged, red demon. Some might have called the demon a monster but he held himself in a manner that commanded not only fear but respect. The impressive demon opened his mouth to speak once again.

"My name is Amyon and this is the largest stronghold for us demons."

After hearing Amyon speak Sam finally looked around at his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was a massive pentagram covering the entire floor of the room. It was not a normal room, tall pillars stretched to the curved roof. It might have almost been comforting but the pillars were black and the room was covered in blood as if something had been massacred in it. He also noticed that there were others beside the red demon in the room. Next to him he saw seven other terrifying creatures all seeming to be returning from the dream world.

Sam quickly looked away from the other monsters and went back to studying the room. It seemed to be some sort of temple, a blood ritual in a demon temple how cliche was that. After this realization he thought about his situation more. 'Why am I here? Why did this boss demon welcome me? Am I going to be the next sacrifice?'

All these questions paled in comparison to the last one. 'Did I get reincarnated?' Even the monstrous figures around him could not stop his excitement.

"I know you all will have questions but please allow me to explain the basis of the situation." The voice of Amyon snapped him out of his daze. "I have summoned you all as you were dying to offer you a new life." A new life, with demons, the unspoken part of the sentence could not dampen Sam's excitement.

Sam was still buzzing from the idea of being in another world when he finally understood something important. 'These monsters around me were summoned as well.' followed by, 'everyone seems rather calm, usually in this part of the story the characters would be doing something crazy.'

The Amyon's voice commanded attention. "At this moment in time your new bodies are still young and immature, similar to a human infant."

'These were infants!!!!' some of the monsters around him seemed massive. 'Wait a second, new bodies.' He looked in a window and saw his reflection for the first time. 'Holy sh*t.' He was about the size of a child but that was not what had grabbed his attention. He was no longer the Sam he once knew.

He had horns! And fangs! While the horns were not large, barely peeking out of his hair, they were still horns. Meanwhile the fangs seemed large compared to his old teeth, but after looking at Amyon he realized they could not really be called fangs. Amyon had huge fangs that protruded from his mouth looking extremely majestic. However Sam's fangs just barely showed out of his mouth. 'Maybe they will grow in the future. But his horns and fangs were not the biggest part of his transformation. No the biggest change was his eyes, they were piercing and seemed to host the kindling of the spectral flames that had birthed Amyon's hand in the afterlife.

The rest of him seemed very normal and plain in comparison, his skin tone was a little lighter but the rest of his body seemed to be human. Glancing around it seemed he got the short end of the stick. The others that he saw had colorful scales, sharp claws and imposing wings. 'The only thing I got that is better than them is my eyes.' No one else had the shocking green eyes that had quickly become the favorite part of his new look.

"Now that you all have finished admiring your selves let me tell what will happen to you." Good old Amyon, that demon really knew how to kill a mood. " We summoned you eight to become generals in the war against humanity. However at your current stage even a toddler with a toy sword could beat you up, so there is a long way to go. We will train you and help you grow but remember that you will be expected to grow stronger. You were summoned to win a war and the eight of you have the potential to do so. Now I will lead you to your rooms training begins tomorrow."

Amyon stopped talking and turned on his heel. All of the newly summoned monsters followed him without question, they could feel he would not answer them no matter what they said.

'This room is really cozy.' Sam was on a large bed in the middle of what could only be described as an extremely creepy room. The singular window seemed to not show the outside world but instead an endless abyss. The sparse decorations all had death themes, skulls, blood spatters and even an ominous looking scythe. 'It's no good being creeped out. I need to rest, it doesn't seem like the demons will offer the help heroes are given in all thoses isekais.' He laughed once, because he was extremely excited about his new life, before closing his eyes and entering a deep slumber.