Day 2

Sam woke up from a somewhat restful night to the sound of someone opening his door. He leaped out of his bed unsure if he had hallucinated the previous day, or maybe the demons were finally ready to eat him.

"Follow me."

Those simple words reminded Sam that there was nothing he could do and most likely the demons would not be snacking on him. They said he would lead the army or something and he didn't think that meant in the belly of someone.

"Hellooo, hurry up, stop standing there lets go." Sam opened his eyes, 'I guess my thinking speed is really slow'. Before him stood a creature that seemed really tall to his little toddler body. The creature's face had no features; it was just grey smoke that roughly made up a head. The creature's body seemed to be that of a human woman except that wherever the creature's clothes stopped the grey smoke poured out.

"Now he's just staring at me." The voice sounded scary but the tone and content made Sam relax just a little. He decided to follow.

"Finally, but are you really not going to wear any clothes." In all that had happened yesterday Sam had not paid attention to the fact that he was naked. 'Well better own it' Sam thought before loudly exclaiming "What are these clothes you speak of?"

The creature facepalmed, meaning her hand sunk at least two inches into her face, and said "There are clothes in the cabinet by the window." She seemed to find his joke exceptionally lame.

"Thank you kind host." Sam walked over to the cabinet feeling extremely stupid and opened it to find a plain if somewhat edgy set of clothes. The clothes consisted of a plain grey shirt, black pants with some kind of holster on the right leg, and a brown coat with a hood. There seemed to be random straps all over the clothes, just the right size for a knife or maybe a carrot or something. Sam put on the clothes and turned towards the creature. "I offer you my thanks again, ummmm host." He was a little worried and tried to be as formal as possible, his joke before only irritated the creature and he didn't want to make enemies already.

"You can call me Agnes and let's get going." Sam followed Agnes out of his room. 'I hope she's the only smoke person because I don't know how I will recognize her.'

Sam wanted to ask a million questions but decided against it, Agnes was probably leading him to someone who would explain things and he feared that he would irritate her if he asked anything.

Agnes led him to a small empty room and brought out a platter of food. The "food" was a bowl with some sort of red mixture in it and a seared hunk of meat. "Eat". Sam did what he was told, if they were going to kill him poison would be an unlikely choice, they were terrifying monsters after all. The meal looked unappetizing but Sam held out hope that his new body would enjoy the food.

It was delicious. The liquid was gushed down his throat in a second and the meat was gulped down in a couple of bites. Agnes stood and watched while he ate and Sam could have sworn she chuckled once.

"Follow." The Agnes train had started again and Sam leapt aboard with little hesitation. The next room they entered was much larger but this time it was not empty, three demons were waiting.

"This is where I leave you." Agnes unhurriedly turned to exit.

"Agnes don't leave me, I am nothing without you and your guidance." Sam would have bet money this time that Agnes found this at least a little bit amusing or maybe she hated him even more. Without a response Agnes left.

Sam turned around and looked at the other demons, they were a few of the ones that were summoned alongside him. Before he had the chance to study them more the door opened again and another smoke person led in another one of the summoned demons. One by one more of the demons from the day before were led in. Some loudly yelling at their guide, some barely deigning to glance at anything.

After all eight were gathered another door opened revealing a familiar read demon. Sam wanted to shout Amyon but he figured his companions would beat him up if he ruined their chance at an explanation. He should have just yelled because Amyon offered little help, as usual.

"It is time for you to pick your weapons and receive your name. Who will be the first."

A burly demon forced his way past the others and marched up to Amyon. Amyon waved his hand and a row of all sorts of interesting things appeared. Some were really weapons while others… let's just say, were a little bit odd.

The burly demon barely looked around before grabbing a massive axe inscribed with some blood red symbols. The axe glowed in appreciation when the demon grabbed him.

"Hmm it seems the axe has accepted you. Now to name you."

"I already have a name asshole and I don't want another." 'Oooh.' This was the biggest display of resistance any of them had shown since their arrival and Sam held his breath.

Amyon only laughed and said "You shall be Benthar and I think Cadence will be your teacher."

"Yes my lord." A soft voice echoed around the hall and a small wispy demon appeared and led the burly demon out of the room.

"This little girl is supposed to teach me something." Amyon ignored the burly demon, who seemed to have quite the temper. The wispy demon stopped in her tracks and suddenly her aura grew, her body also grew but that's not the point. She now seemed terrifying and brutal. With frightening speed she punched the burly demon in the stomach, picked him up and left.

"Who is next?" Amyon was not phased by this display, in fact he almost seemed to have enjoyed it.

One by one the other demons went up, chose a weapon, got a teacher and left. Finally it was only Sam.

"Approach, little one and choose the partner that will be by your side forever." Amyon gestured towards Sam.

'These weapons must be super important and powerful in this world. This is a big decision and Amyon did not let any of the others change their minds.'

Sam walked forwards towards Amyon and the rows of weaponry.