The Benefits of Living in a Fantasy World

The old demon had a name but Azemo had forgotten that name and just called him master (oogway), the second part was always in his mind and he was careful not to say it out loud. Under Master's guidance Azemo learned the principles of the world and of many things on the more mystical side.

"Obviously no one knows everything about magycka and magics so always expect some sort of new spell." Master often said this and as such it had drilled it's way into Azemo's subconscious.

While magyckas were unique and ever evolving magics followed a much more rigid guideline. Magic circles were needed for every spell no matter the size, powerful mages could form magic circles with mana but normal mages usually had to draw out the circles. As such most mages carried scrolls with the magic circles inscribed in them for combat. However the scrolls were only able to be used once so mages spent a good amount of time making them. Base magic could do just about anything and was classified in two ways: one the echelon and two if the spell was attack defense or utility. Elements had little effects in magic and usually just changed the color or form of the spell.

The next type of magic that Azemo learned about was natural magic. Natural magic could not be learned and was extremely powerful. No magic circles were needed and the spells could be anything the user could imagine as long as they had enough mana to bring the spell to life. For natural magic elements were key and could influence how the magic was created and what type of spells were best suited to the mage. It is possible for multi element mages but they are overpowered and extremely rare.

Natural fire magic was best suited for crowd control as the roaring flames are difficult to control because they do not discriminate between friend and foe. Thus the more powerful natural fire users had area of denial spells, massive aoe and few difficult single target spells.

Natural water magic could be described as the jack of all trades because it had excellent attack and defense capabilities. Water could coat the caster and form a protective barrier, it could solidify into ice become weapons and it could form tendrils of water perfect for locking down an enemy. Master taught Azemo to be wary of even the weakest natural water user.

Natural wind users could only be called glass cannons. Wind spells allowed their caster to increase their move speed and offered high damage spells like lightning bolts. Wind could not offer defenses because of its nature it was more wild than fire and only the best wind users could form any sort of protection with it.

The most boring natural magic in Azemo's opinion was ground. Ground had to do with tanking and most spells slowed the user. Ground did have some attacks but most were slow one shot moves that Azemo was confident in dodging. The most interesting part of ground was its control over nature, ground users could make controllable plants which helped with some of their weaknesses.

Even though most natural mages followed the basic patterns, Master had warned Azemo that they could break the mold and make their own unique spells. Most did not because it was difficult and success was unlikely.

The next thing Azemo learned about was skills. Skills could be taught, created and even stolen with enough practice. Skills could be just about anything but they were stored in the user's tome. No one but the user could open the tome however the tome needed to be open for skills to be used. 'Watch out for tomes.' Azemo trusted in his now keen eyesight so he was not super scared of skill users, but he should have been.

Finally humans had their counter to magycka known as divine intervention (or drive skills). Drive skills could not evolve like magycka and were limited to one type of use however their power was unmatched. Drive skill users were uncommon among humans and some might even have useless skills according to Master.

Those were the basics Azemo learned about. Unfortunately he had low affinity for magics and was not a natural user. Azemo did have extremely high mana counts but he could only use it on skills and maybe his magycka.

It was customary to give a demon a tome when they unlocked their magycka so Azemo could only study skills and not start collecting his own. Azemo yearned for his magycka because this was a fantasy world after all.

Another thing Azemo had been paying attention to over the years was his body. It had grown to about the size of a human teen over the six years and the horns and fangs had not become any more evident. Agnes had told him they would not grow anymore in one of their rare conversations. Otherwise his body seemed pretty normal but Azemo was pretty muscular even though he possessed a rather slender body. One change that had been promised to him was that his eyes would undergo some sort of change when he got his magycka.

Azemo also spent the six years learning about his weapon. It was an extremely rare spirit type weapon that had rejected demons for centuries. It was categorized as one of the great demon treasures but had no name because no demon had ever seen it in battle. The weapon always formed as two gauntlets when summoned and only the right hand would form into a blade. Mana was required to transform the bracelets into gauntlets but only energy was taken while they were active. Azemo had found that the bracelet form could be whatever he liked and he currently had them as black leather cuffs.

After reminiscing about his life as a demon Azemo curled up in his favorite part of his bed for another long sleep.