Magycka Finally

Azemo awoke in the early morning. This had never happened over the six years he had been a demon because he treasured his sleep too much. Yet here he was awake, he felt energy coursing through him and his eyes were burning.

His entire body was wound up and taught like a bowstring but this lasted only a few seconds before the energy dissipated and fatigue set in. 'I will deal with this in the morning.'

Azemo woke up for the second time that day and went about his daily routine. After breakfast he went to train with Zaebos. He quickly warmed up and the two squared off in preparation for a bout.

At first the fight went like usually both demons dancing around rarely throwing out strikes. Then something odd happened Azemo had some weird carnal instinct and he grabbed a rock and jumped away from Zaebos. Zaebos let it happen because he was curious what new half cooked strategy Azemo would try today.

Using pure instinct Azemo threw the rock behind him and dashed towards Zaebos the rock disappeared in the dirt he kicked up. The dirt also covered a shadowy green phantom of a rock. Zaebos readied himself for Azemo's attack when he felt a sudden danger behind him. Barely pausing to think Zaebos' hand moved in a blur and caught the rock that was hurtling towards the back of his head. With his other hand he grabbed Azemo and shook him.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you unlocked your magycka."

"Oh thats what happened last night."

Zaebos still fuming tossed Azemo away from him and said "That's enough sparring, come with me." The two left the forest and entered the fortress. As they entered Zaebos uttered a single word "Amyon". Immediately a wraith appeared and led them to a small chamber.

'Finally.' It was the boy Amyon, Azemo could not remember the last time the two of them had interacted.

"Show me." Azemo was tempted to do a dance for Amyon but quickly changed his mind and did his little rock trick again.

"Hmm a type of teleportation magycka, lucky, very lucky. It shall be called Shadows Call." With that Amyon produced two things: a knife and a tome.

"Congratulations Azemo you have completed the first step in attaining your power, as the representative of the demon lords I hereby present you with your tome." Amyon sounded very formal and the atmosphere became extremely heavy. Azemo accepted the book and Amyon switched off formal mode.

"There only eight of these knives in existence and the other seven were given to your companions who were summoned alongside you. As you know only you can access your tome and this knife is enchanted with something similar. Once bound to you if another tries to wield it, the knife will obliterate itself. This is more of a tool of identification but you can use it as a weapon if you like, it will never break."

Azemo examined the knife. The blade was white seemingly made from some kind of bone. It's shape was simple, one sharpened edge and the other looked sturdy and straight. The handle was plain wood that somehow gave off an elegant feel, there were no carvings or decorations but still the knife was an unforgettable sight.

Azemo sheathed the knife in the holster on the back of his belt and put the book in its place on his pant leg. Zaebos then forced him to bow before the two of them left the room.

"You have the rest of the day to examine your new gear and bind it to yourself." Zaebos vanished like usual after this statement.

Azemo hurried back to his room excited beyond compare. Once in his room he unsheathed the blade and sent a stream of mana into it. The blade lit up and a single green rune glowed into existence on the pommel. Azemo returned the blade to its holder and repeated the process with the tome. A green rune burned itself onto the cover of the book.

'Now for the exciting part.' Azemo opened the book. The writing in the book was red and only appeared after Azemo started to read. The first page was titled Shadows Call beginner tier. The description stated, user can teleport an object that they touch, the object loses no momentum when it appears, the denser the object the more mana required. His magycka page was short because it was only on its beginner stage it would become longer the more he evolved it.

The next page was titled Martial paths. Martial paths were something the user would have to physically learn and like magycka the tome did not have to be open for them to be used. Azemo's tome had two paths. One Million Strikes and Finishing Blow. Azemo knew both these paths because he had studied Cadence's fighting style as well as Zaebos'.

One Million Strikes descriptor was: the user whittles down their opponents strength with continual blows weakening their opponent by hitting pressure points, eventually if all one million hits land the users opponent will be dead. Azemo never knew the details of the style but still the tome knew so much.

As for Finishing Blow, the description was much shorter. The user waits for the perfect opening then delivers a killing blow. Azemo chuckled at the description before something new appeared on the page.

Combination of the paths in process please continue to form your own fighting style to unlock its path. Combining the two! Azemo had so many ideas but he moved on to the next page.

The next page was titled Skills and only had three entries. The first was Unholy Protection (passive skill). Passive skills were active as long as the book was open. Unholy Protection was a rare skill. Skills raritys showed how powerful they were. The rarities were basic, uncommon, rare, powerful, unique, legendary and ascended.

Unholy Protection gave Azemo some magical resistances that promised to get better after the skill had powered up.

The next skill was basic level and called Incognito. User can hide their demon attributes making them appear human.

The final skill was another rare skill Flames of Death, 'edgy but they were demons after all'. User can create flames of death that can heal the wounds of demons or beasts.

'I didn't learn these skills in the short time I had the book. Amyon must have put them in before he gave me the book.'

Azemo tried to turn the page again but the tome did not allow it, 'I guess that's all for now.' However Azemo remembered that magycka would change his eyes somehow.

He looked in his mirror and gazed into his eyes. Before they had been piercing green embers but now the green fire danced throughout his eyes but where the fire dissipated only darkness could be seen.

'It's time for me and my sweet eyes to go to bed.'