These aren't Villains, Right?

As Azemo finished eating breakfast he saw something odd. Zaebos was waiting outside of the dining hall. For the past six years Zaebos had never done this; he had always been in the clearing in the forest waiting for Azemo or training. 'Uh oh did I do something.' However Azemo's fears were unfounded.

"Congrats." Zaebos handed Azemo a plain looking drawstring bag. "Obtaining your magycka is more difficult than you were told."

Azemo was shocked he had thought every demon awakened a magycka and thus had not been worried about not getting one.

"Only about one in 16 demons ever get a magycka and most our useless in combat, we thought you wouldn't get one because it took you so long."

"Geez Zaebos a few more words and you will have spoken more than you have over the past year." Azemo ruined the sappy mood and Zaebos probably rolled his eyes.

"This bag is a magic item I had made for you. It contains a room that only you can access and a storage system."

Azemo bowed and managed to squeak out. "Thank you kind teacher for this amazing gift."

Zaebos said nothing but his mouth curved into a soft smile and Azemo realized for the first time that Zaebos had grown fond of him. Before Azemo could tease Zaebos about this Zaebos spoke again.

"Every 6th day you will participate in group activities with the rest of the summoned today you will get acquainted, follow me."

Zaebos pointed out the right door and Azemo walked in joining the weird circle that was forming. Soon all eight summons were in the room and one began to speak.

"Introduce yourselves. I am now known as Spiren and in my previous life I ran the organization Chimera." Azemo knew that Chimera ran the black market and was a brutal organization that was untouchable by the government. Chimera was so powerful that it could have destroyed an entire continent through weapons and politics. If Spiren was the leader of the organization Azemo knew not to cross him.

Spiren as a demon was just as imposing as his reputation. He was around 6'11 with 3 massive curled horns protruding from his head. His body was muscular as heck and blue, veins popped out showing off an orange tinged blood. He wore armor that covered his chest and legs while the rest of his body was unclothed. However despite his imposing body the air in which he carried himself was even more frightening. He exuded an aura that said no one and nothing is out of my control, you are still living thanks to my kindness.

The massive Benthar was next to introduce himself. "Benthar, I used to be an arms dealer." Benthar was in his normal plain pants and no shirt. As Benthar sat down the demon next to Azemo spoke.

"Sillis, I use a scythe and my past life is my own business." Sillis' soft voice sounded tired and worn out. Azemo glanced at her and nicknamed her the tired demon. Sillis had a short feminine body that was clothed in a fluid looking robe outside of the robe her body was covered in white scales.. Her fingers extended into claws and her eyes were a dull gray. She might have been scary but she was constantly yawning and it looked like she just wanted to sleep.

"I am Augory and I was a great politician." The clipped voice interrupted Azemo's study of Sillis. Augory was the only demon that was wearing clothes from the previous world. He was in a black suit that fitted tightly around his thin form. His body didn't really have a color but his eyes were sharp and piercing. Azemo already disliked him 'Yuck a politician.'

Next two vampiric looking men stood up. "We are Slithe and Noct, and we are assassins." Slithe was taller and in plain pants and a shirt while Noct wore a fancy jacket embroidered with dragons. They looked almost human except for their black dead eyes and long spooky fangs.

"Introductions? What is this a class project." The next demon confidently spoke but one look from Spiren quickly changed her attitude. "I am called Tryst and I made poisons in the old world." Tryst was the only demon that Azemo had met that he thought was good looking. She had perfect proportions and an almond shaped face. Her hair reached her waist and she wore a tight dress that elegantly showed off her allure. However Azemo could tell she was a demon because of her pale complexion and the metal bolts that seemed to stick out of her neck and shoulders and of course the massive folded wings on her back.

"Uh I am Azemo destroyer of worlds and.." Spiren waved his hand and cut off Azemo mid sentence.

"That's enough, I will lead this group as we learn more about our purpose in this world and strengthen our powers. Today we have no mission but in six days we will have our first group exercise." With that Spiren sat down and opened his tome seemingly dismissing the rest of the group.

Azemo hovered by the door waiting for someone else to leave. "Let's go eat." Sillis had sleepily approached and she beckoned to Azemo as she left the room. Azemo was happy to get away from Spiren and the rest of the group so he used his strongest skill 'Follow'.

Sillis led Azemo to a bigger eating room than he was used to and the two dug in. Sillis ate slowly and only finished about a third of her food. She gave the rest to the doglike Azemo who scarfed it down his own food having disappeared a long time ago.

"So did you want to talk or something?" Azemo couldn't keep his mouth shut for long.

"Uh yeah, I guess, what did you do in your past life and how much do you remember." The long sentence seemed to tire her out and her eyes blinked shut for a few seconds.

"I went to school for a bit and then joined a gang." Azemo was fine revealing personal information, she might already be asleep after all. "As for memories I remember just about everything except for names, faces and emotions."

"Uhh, it's the same for me." Yawn. " I remember stuff but not those things."

"What did you use to do?"

"Well I was 14 so I didn't do much but I liked to hack idiots computers." Sillis seemed ready for bed even though it was barely midday.

"Did you like, die before you got summoned?" Azemo asked something he had wanted to ask Benthar for a while.

Yawn. "I did, I dropped my laptop off a balcony and tried to save it. Okay that's enough talking for me Imma go sleep." With that Sillis slowly dragged her body upright and walked out of the room.

Sillis gave off a relaxed feel that made Azemo a little tired but he stayed awake that day and looked around the room in the bag Zaebos gave him. It had the essentials, bed, closet, bookshelves and plenty of storage. The cool thing about it was that Azemo could leave something in the bag, reach in and summon it with a single thought. Azemo almost forgot to bind the bag to him but he remembered before he fell asleep.

'I wonder where Sillis keeps her scythe.' With that random thought Azemo was back in the dream world.