
Five days had passed and Azemo was finally ready for his night of exploration. He didn't need to worry about guard duty because it was Sillis' turn that night and he had gotten a lot of sleep the night before.

As for life in camp it was very similar to his training, other than a few drills with the army and eating food in the camp, Azemo and the others trained as usual.

On his way out of the camp Azemo waved to Sillis using their nonverbal communication to tell her, 'don't go falling asleep again'. In the forest Azemo was not looking for monsters and was instead looking for new plants.

The plants of this world seemed similar to his old world's plants but Azemo was certain he could find a difference. He went around comparing plants and sometimes he even thought about tasting them.

While Azemo was literally picking flowers by himself a commotion had arisen back at the demon camp. The alarm skill had been cast many times and every demon was preparing themselves for battle.

"Kill. Kill. Kill."

The chant started to spread through the ranks and the rhythmic chanting was like the demons war drums.

"Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill."

The chant continued to increase in volume as more and more demons joined in.

"Kill. Kill. Kill."

A white light shone through the forest blinding any who looked towards it. When they looked back humans atop white horses were charging towards the demon army.

"Kill. Kill. Kill."

Frenzied excitement swelled through the demon's ranks; they were ready to teach those worthless humans a lesson.

"Kill. Kill. Kill."

The horsemen were crashing into the demon front line carving a path towards the center of the camp. Each swing of their swords would create a blinding white crescent and no demon could stop their charge.

As demons were getting cut down by the white horsemen Benthar joined the fray. He leaped towards the lead horsemen swinging his axe. The horsemen's body split in half but Benthar continued forward. He charged into the next horse knocking it over before quickly decapitating its rider. As Benthar killed two of the horsemen in quick succession the demons rallied and in a few minutes there were no more horsemen.

Benthar roared in excitement but as he looked up he saw waves of humans charging towards him. He had pushed past the demon's fortification in his quest to kill the horsemen. Benthar could have turned and run back to the demons if he wanted but he was Benthar so instead he readied himself for the onslaught.

"Charge." Demon soldiers rushed forward to back up Benthar, who was already cutting swathes in the humans' formation. As demons reached his side the battle started up in earnest.

"Kill. Kill. Kill."

The terrifying chant still echoed through the demon camp as demon archers lit the outer edge of the forest on fire. Humans began to scream as they ran through the flames, until a hooded figure stepped out and quelled the fire with a sweep of their hand. The first human mage had appeared.

"Tryst." Spiren only had to say her name and Tryst already knew what he wanted. She took out her bow and opened her tome. Using a skill she created a pitch black arrow that oozed with the scent of fear. Drawing back the arrow she barely aimed before sending it towards its target. The arrow sailed through the air before sinking into the mage's body, the mage instantly fell over, dead.

A cheer broke out through the demon ranks seeing the mage topple but countless others stepped out of the flames preparing various spells. Tryst continued to rain down arrows on the mages but the rest of the demons needed to wait for them to get closer to be able to land a killing blow.

Spiren was still observing the battle with Sillis, Slithe, Noct and Augory. Azemo was busy being flower boy and had not noticed the alarm spells.

The waves of human soldiers were crashing into the demons but no matter how many there were they could not seem to survive. Led by Benthar the demons were decimating any humans who got near them.

The demons were unbeatable and even as the mages got in range they were killed off quickly. However, the mages were beginning to clear out demons with massive spells that turned demons to dust. One mage tossed a scroll onto the ground activating massive earth spikes that shot out of the ground killing demons. Another decided to target Benthar and cast an enormous fireball in his direction.The attack did nothing to Benthar who kept killing as if nothing had happened, his magycka was really doing its job.

More mages started to target Benthar but that was a fatal mistake. As they started to focus one individual the other demons swarmed them. The mages began to fall swiftly while Benthar was still unscathed.

As the human foot soldiers began to falter a human general appeared. She had no helmet on letting her hair billow in the wind. Her weapon was a spear that gleamed with some sort of divine energy. As she appeared the humans began to rally.

"Slithe, Noct, go deal with her." Spiren knew that a single general could turn the tide of war.

The general began to make her way to the blood covered Benthar. Benthar did not notice her as he was busy creating torrents of blood with his axe. As the general began to draw nearer she was suddenly attacked.

Through the chaos of battle a chain shot out and latched onto her spear arm. As she turned to look towards the owner of the chain Slithe appeared behind her plunging his knife towards her back. In that instant it seemed like the fight was over but as Slithe's knife made contact with her skin a white light pushed Slithe back.

"You cowardly demons prepare yourselves for death." As the general shouted this Noct stepped out of the fray, demons and humans alike were avoiding the three powerful beings creating a small ring in the otherwise chaotic conflict.

As Noct showed himself he retracted his chain giving Slithe cover so he could regain his footing. Slithe growled as he got back to his feet and both the brother's fangs started to grow. The two picked up their tomes and slipped them back into their holsters wide open. They were ready.

While Slithe and Noct were preparing the general had already dashed towards them spear in hand. As she got closer the holy light emanating from the spear got brighter and brighter. She launched an attack that left a deep scar in the earth but both Slithe and Noct had disappeared.

The general quickly turned, knocking aside the chain that was slicing towards her throat. But the chain was only a distraction giving Slithe a chance for redemption. This time Slithe moved at an impossible speed slashing at the general. The light did not get a chance to stop the attack but the general managed to dodge the majority of the attack receiving a gash in her side. As Noct rushed past he grinned as his magycka got to work.

The rest of the fight was almost boring, all the generals' attacks were too slow or too weak while Slithe and Noct continued to open wounds all over her body. After a minute of fighting the general collapsed and Slithe quickly slit her throat. After the general's death the humans kept avoiding the dangerous Slithe and Noct, none of them wanted to have the same torturous death as their commander. This did not slow down the killing because Slithe and Noct were too fast to be avoided. They rushed into the bulk of the human army killing any officers or powerful soldiers they could find.

"Three are marked. Still looking for the bow user." An old human spoke up, in the main human encampment.

"Send more generals, we need to keep testing their strengths and make sure that the demons don't spot our eyes in the sky."

A nearby mage nodded, she was projecting the wild scenes of battle for the leaders of the human army.

While the battle raged on Azemo finally started heading back to camp ready for a good night's rest.