Demon Lords are Scary

The battle was heating up. Bodies were piled up and magic flew through the air. Spiren, Sillis and Augory had yet to join the scrap. But the four that were in combat were still bringing death to any that came near them, or for Tryst anyone she could see. The humans had sent in many of their generals, more than Slithe and Noct could handle, and were using them to slowly make progress towards the demon defenses.

"Draw back." Over the thralls of conflict every demon could hear a commanding voice in their head. Slowly the demons backed towards their defensive fortification while Tryst began to launch a barrage of arrows. She was no longer focusing on accuracy but instead was trying to fire as many arrows as she possibly could. Other demons with ranged attacks joined in and soon the sky was darkened with a rain of destruction.

On the front line Benthar was slowly backing towards the camp all the while cutting down humans who dared to try and stop him. The demons around him rallied and increased their ferocity forcing humans away from them.

Because of the rain of attacks and the vigor of the front line the humans could do little but let the demons retreat. Instead they grouped up under magical barriers to protect themselves.

Right as the battle seemed to draw to a standstill, over the hill came another seventy thousand human soldiers. At this point in the battle the demons were barely 50 thousand strong but they would not be cowed. A demon in terms of pure physical strength is about ten times as strong as a human and the demons were too proud to be afraid of the weaklings.

Leading this new army of humans was an archmage, one could tell she was an archmage because she had a badge that stated it. As the archmage's army met up with the remnants of the other human army they began to slowly advance. Tryst did not let up her hail of attacks but the archmage froze every single arrow with a quick spell.

"Augory keep her busy when she gets closer." Spiren had decided to use another one of his pieces.

Back in the human camp the war leaders were getting restless.

"Where are the demon lords."

"We sent out one of only two archmages just for intel!"

"Shut Up!" A powerful voice broke through the mutterings. The owner of the voice was a tall broad shouldered man carrying a massive coffin on his back.

"Supreme general, I was just saying our strategist is being too liberal with our troops…"

"No price is too much if we can kill off the demon race. How goes the battle?"

"Sir we have sent in one archmage, twenty generals and two thirds of our troops. The demons don't stand a chance." A young noble was first to speak up.

The Supreme general just gave the youth a blank stare before turning to the old strategist.

"We have scouted out four threats and our latest offensive should draw out the demons lords."

"Excellent prepare my personal troops, it's time to test out the Arch Angels power."

Back in the fray Augory was slinging scrolls casting numerous spells but the archmage countered every one. Augory remained calm even though his spells were not leaving a mark he was charging up his magycka. The archmage only made half hearted attacks as she was busy defending not only herself but her entire army.

She didn't even notice the black hole that opened at her feet. But as her legs were getting sucked in she cast a spell to escape the pull. Augory noticing her attempt quickly closed the hole cutting off both of the archmage's legs. He sneered thinking the fight was over.

However, the archmage did not fall and no blood came out of her wounds, she simply floated in mid air her attention now fully on Augory. The human army no longer needed her defense as they had already engaged with the demons.

The archmage quickly chanted a spell and before Augory could react light blinded him. Augory quickly fixed his eyesight with a quick spell and saw the purpose of the attack. The archmage had destroyed his tome with a bolt of white lightning.

"You bitch." A tome could never be fixed and that meant Augory could no longer use any of his skills or control his magycka. All he had left was his spell scrolls and against an archmage they would have little effect.

Now it was the archmage's turn to sneer as the second part of her spell went off. Fiery chains pierced Augory's body and before long he was nothing but ash.

Just as the archmage confirmed his death she felt the cold sting of steel. Sillis had dashed through the ashes of Augory and had removed the archmage's head in one spinning strike.

Sillis had finally joined the melee and she darted off into the humans ranks once the head hit the ground.

Even with the loss of their archmage the humans were still pushing the demons back due to their sheer numbers. Generals carved a wake in the demon ranks and soldiers were a never ending flow of sharp spears and swords. Things were not yet dire for the demons but it looked as if they were gradually losing the battle.

Bam. A thunderous footstep rocked the battlefield. No one dared to move as the power of a single step was able to frighten millions. The demon lords had arrived.

They all wore black cloaks that obscured their features but everywhere they went death followed. Each step killed as humans were brought to their knees and a massive dark shadow followed the lords as they walked through the human army. The grass withered and humans all over began to let out their final breaths.

In the blink of an eye ninety percent of the humans on the battlefield had been wiped out and loud raucous cheers could be heard all throughout the demons' side. Spiren did not join in the celebrations as he could feel the tensions coming from the demon lords. 'How could beings so powerful be worried about something.'

As this thought crossed his mind a light began to illuminate everything. On top of the hill was a man holding a massive sword aloft. The sword shone such a pure white that it hurt to look at it. Around the man were five hooded figures with their hands behind their backs and around those five was another hundred hoods in the same position.

It was the sight of perfect order, no one stepped out of line as the somber procession marched towards the demons. Every soul held their breath as the two supreme forces clashed.

The hooded figures died the instant the demon lords drew close but as they died the sword somehow glowed even brighter. The eight lords continued to rush towards the sword bearer killing everything in their path. But they were not enough to combat this holy power.

The archangel's sword let out a crystal clear note as it seemed to cut even time itself. The first swing obliterated six of the demon lords in an impossibly white light. Nothing was left of them as the light disintegrated every part of them. The hood was blown off one of the remaining demon lords revealing Amyon's terrifying face, he had managed to survive the strike through sheer rage.

Amyon swung his claws forwards and blood red streaks slashed the Supreme general's face, but it was not enough. The other demon lord unleashed a torrent of black flames, but it was not enough. The blade seemed to lessen the attacks and as it cut through the air once again the eight demon lords were no more.

This time it was the humans' turn to cheer as the Supreme General returned the sword to the coffin. Another sixty thousand human soldiers crested the hill and rushed forwards to finish off the demons.

Meanwhile Azemo was skipping through the forest he was almost back to the camp.