They Grow Up so Fast

Azemo was walking for hours before the kittens finally woke up. 'Not fair I want to sleep.' Azemo had left the other town as soon as he had heard about the next city because he was too excited.

It was also nice for him to be able to turn off (skill) Incognito and close his tome for a bit. Azemo had figured out that the humans on the outskirts knew little to nothing about magic and skills so he was just a weirdo with an empty, open, book.

"Where are we?" Bellania was dragging a struggling Ima out of the room bag.

"You guys are finally awake, we are heading to Fresk, a bigger city…" Azemo was going to say more but he noticed something about the sisters, they were bigger. They had gone from the size of a small house cat to the size of a medium sized dog. The sisters weaponry was also more evident as their teeth seemed sharper and their claws longer.

"Umm what happened, did you eat too much?"

Bella didn't respond because she just realized that she was bigger and decided to go test out her body. Imagine on the other hand gave Azemo an answer.

"While we can grow like normal animals over time, when we kill enemies we grow faster. This is a unique trait for monsters that my mother told me about."

Azemo had never heard about this from Master and he was rather shocked. It seemed he had stumbled upon one of the best kept secrets about monsters. While magycka evolutions could change a demon's appearance, it did not usually make them grow. As for the other main species, humans and beasts, killing only served to sharpen their skills. 'Skills..'

"Did you learn any cool abilities or something?" Azemo took their appearance change to mean that they had levelled up.

Imagine gave him a look like he was getting dumber by the day, before responding. "How exactly would we learn new abilities while we were sleeping?"

Before he could respond Imagine walked off to calm down her sister. Azemo was left pondering something, he knew that monsters could have special abilities but it appeared that they were not something they gained without any training. 'Maybe their parents teach them abilities and that is how they gain their magic.'

It was night by the time Bella had finished dancing around the open road and Azemo remembered that living things needed to eat. He went to the storage section and took half of the remaining food, the kittens were not kittens anymore. 'I probably should have bought some food for the road in town.'

After a quick meal Azemo decided not to sleep that night, he wanted to make it to Fresk as soon as possible. Night travelling was no problem for the trio as all of them could easily see in the dark.

The wonders of the night could not pass them by and the stars illuminated the main road as they walked. Bella no longer needed Azemo to carry her as she was already strengthening her larger body but Imagine still liked to cling to Azemo. While she was much larger Azemo could still carry her easily thanks to his demonic strength but he hoped she would outgrow this habit.

Thankfully no one passed the trio on the road or they would have been spooked out of their minds. Without night vision one would only see three pairs of glowing eyes, one pair bright green and the other two silvery white. They were like the phantoms of the night.

After walking through the night Azemo could finally see the city in the distance and other people on the road.

"Are you with a circus or sumtin?" Azemo had forgotten to use (skill) Incognito and his demonic looks alongside the two tigers was enough to make a fellow traveler question him.

"Uh yeah come see our show, haha." Azemo quickly realized his mistake and hurried off before the traveler could take a closer look. Once he had gotten out of sight he quickly opened his tome and cast (skill) Incognito, he would not repeat this mistake, probably.

Since the city seemed much larger Azemo asked Bella and Imagine to stay in the room bag when they first entered. Bella protested for a while but after she saw how comfortable Ima was in the bed she hurried into the room.

At the gates of the city a guard stopped Azemo.

"Business and name please."

"Mi names Azemo and I am here visiting my friend's cousin."

"Whatever, are you bringing in any animals? Because if you are they better not be dangerous. The other day some fellow tried to bring in a rat monster with him, he said it was well trained or something." The guard chuckled before waiting to hear Azemo's response.

"No animals sir, wouldn't dream of it." Azemo figured if the guard didn't like rat monsters, the fearsome Bellania and Imagine would get him kicked out in an instant.

"Well you can be on your way but be sure not to cause any trouble, I've got your name and face." Saying this the guard held up a small card that had a picture of human Azemo with his name underneath. How he had managed to make it so fast was beyond Azemo must have been some type of magic gear.

Inside the city Azemo saw human culture in his new world for the second time. The streets were bustling with vendors everywhere selling everything and anything. 'Maybe I can sell my Beskar wings here.'

The buildings were in much better shape than the small town from before. They were tall with clean windows and colorful paint. Most buildings had some sort of sign saying what they were and Azemo gathered he was near the heart of commerce in the city.

As for the people they all seemed plain and boring to Azemo so he paid them little attention. Although he didn't care about the people around him, Azemo had still caught the attention of many of the townsfolk. He was a young man all by himself carrying only a dagger and a small bag. However what really caught their curiosity was his awestruck gaze, he was in a fantasy town after all, as he dazedly walked through the streets.

'Oh yeah I should probably go to see Sawell, I could use some sleep.' Tired Azemo didn't really want to focus on people but being able to get to bed faster motivated him.

"Excuse me can anyone tell me where Monster Parts is?" Azemo just randomly asked thin air.

Luckily for him people were paying attention to the strange youth and they quickly pointed him in the right direction.

Monster Parts was a small shop that was a little ways from the main market but the inside looked nice enough.

"Can I help you?" A middle aged man appeared in the window Azemo was peering through.

"Oh, hi I am looking for Sawell."

"That's me, you must be Azemo, Simon told me you were coming, get in here." Sawell was a no nonsense business man and he did not like Azemo clogging up his window.

"Oh I thought I would need to do more explaining, how did Simon let you know?"

"You have never heard of a sending stone. Hurry up." Sending stones were a common way of messaging in the human realm but for demons sending stones were rarely used so Azemo knew nothing about them.

"..." Azemo decided silence would be the best response.

Sawell ushered in Azemo. "You can sleep in the attic, I prepared a bed for you."

"Thanks, well, I will go to sleep for now."

"Sure we talk more when you wake up."

Azemo glanced around the shop before heading upstairs. There was nothing but signs depicting various monsters with certain parts circled and a small counter. 'I guess he is an artist.'

That day Azemo forgot about his bed as he curled into the small but comfortable cot above the odd store Monster Parts.