Human Interactions... Overated

"Mornin champ." Sawell seemed in to be in a good mood, maybe someone had bought some of his art. "Let us eat and talk."

"Sure." Even though Azemo had slept for nearly twenty four hours he was still in tired Azemo mode. Only time or a good meal could change that, or maybe a few days of consecutive sleep.

Breakfast was huge and Sawell was in such a good mood he did not notice Azemo dropping food into his room bag for the cubs.

"So how long do you plan on staying?"

"Two to three weeks I just want to earn some money before I keep heading towards the capital."

"A real go getter then, know what type of work you are looking for?"

"Someone told me about Sell swords and that seemed kinda interesting."

"Dangerous work, dangerous work, you would be better off with some good old fashioned manual labor, but if you run into some interesting monsters collect some pieces for me."

"Ohh does that help you make better art." Sawell gave Azemo the familiar, how stupid are you look.

"What exactly, do you think I sell here."

"Paintings of monsters."

"You think I sell paintings of monsters in a store called Monster Parts."

"Yeah, that's why you circle the parts."

"Dear god, I sell pieces of monsters."

"Why would anyone want pieces of monsters?"

"To make potions, have as trophies, I don't know."

"Ohhh so I could sell you these Beskar wings I have."

"You have Beskar wings!!" With those words all of the annoyance was washed away from Sawell.

"Show me."

Azemo pulled out a pair wings that were in near perfect condition thanks to the storage capability of the room bag. Sawell's eyes popped out of his head. A pair of perfect Beskar wings that seemed to come from an overgrown Beskar, he had never seen such high quality parts.

"I will give you a hundred gold coins for each wing." Wings of this grade could easily sell for over three hundred gold a wing, but Sawell was a businessman after all.

"Done deal but I am only selling one." Azemo easily handed over the wings without any haggling. Sawell almost felt bad about the deal but getting such a great part was well worth a little guilt.

"Well I am off, see you later."

"If you see any monsters, I like almost any part except for the main body." After being shown such a nice pair of wings Sawell wanted more.

Azemo left the shop and shut the door, he was nearly ten paces when he turned around and hurried back.

"Uh, is there a Sell sword guild."

"What is this a fairy tale, just go to town square there is a job posting board."

Once again Azemo set off before thinking of another question, 'did he need to get registered?'. This time he did not go back to the shop, he didn't want to seem weird or anything.

The market was a different place when one had money. Azemo smelled all the delicious aromas and saw all the fancy wares. However in his past life Azemo never had that much money so he knew better than to spend it all in one place.

The one stall that he ended up walking to was selling roasted meat skewers.

"Can I have five please."

"That will be two silver dear."

Azemo quickly handed over a gold coin, this was the coin he had the most of so it made sense to use them first.

"Really." The woman muttered to herself, this brat was really going to make her give him ninety eight silver pieces.

Azemo not being completely stupid saw her look and said. "Make that forty skewers."

The woman still handed over a small mountain of change but she was much happier. Normally her high priced skewers were rarely purchased and this youth had given her a week's worth of pay.

Azemo devoured two skewers and gave two apiece to the cubs before storing the other thirty six in the room bag. 'Now to business.'

The job board was easy enough to find, it was in the center of town with nothing around it. As Azemo approached it he saw all sorts of jobs, from ones like cleaning a kitchen to ones about killing dangerous creatures.

No one was regulating the board and it reminded Azemo more of an advertisement board than anything else. After looking through all the interesting jobs he decided to choose a team job, maybe he would be able to join a party or something.

In the end he chose a four man job to hunt down a snake monster that was terrorizing travelers in the forest.

'The posting says to meet near the edge of town in an hour and qualified candidates will get the job.'

Azemo instantly headed towards the outskirts of town because he knew he would get lost along the way. He was absolutely correct as the new sights and scents easily distracted him and it took him nearly the whole hour to reach his destination.

As he arrived he expected to see a group of people who would approach him and say something about needing a fourth member. Of course that was not the case, barely anyone had heard about the mission and the three people there, were waiting alone, clearly not wanting anything to do with each other.

"Annnd we have four, okay you are good to head out." After a very thorough evaluation the four were cleared to head out.

"A kid… whatever. Let's go."

There were no introductions, no greetings, Azemo didn't even know a single name of any of his party members. Therefore he decided to categorize them by looks. Of the two females one had short hair and the other had long hair, so one became Short hair and the other Long hair. Very well thought out names. As for the other male he was tallish and well built but his nose was a little squished so Azemo simply called him Nose.

Nose seemed to want to be the leader and the others didn't seem to care less so Azemo went with the flow. It was his first party and he hoped they would grow closer throughout the mission. Azemo was a little short on friends at the moment and Bella and Ima were too big to be around humans so Azemo wanted these people to become his companions. Of course his terrible intuition would get him trouble but at that moment Azemo was ecstatic about expanding his living allies list.

"Anyone know how to track?" Nose grunted.

Short hair silently took the lead and that was the last time any member of the party spoke before they found the monsters lair.