Another Tournament, Really?

After he learned the price to enter a flying city, Azemo began trying to wrap up the conversation with Indigo. He appreciated all the information but it was just a little too much for him to handle. After ten minutes of trying, Indigo finally finished her current thought and Azemo thanked her and they said their goodbyes.

"One more thing, do you know anywhere I can find a job?"

"Just go right outside the governor's house, that is where all the jobs are assigned."

"Thank you." Azemo hurried off before Indigo could tell him everything about the current state of the job market.

Meanwhile the Soul Essence of Behirite was a little impressed with Azemo's patience. 'I would have never been able to be around that girl for so long but because he was able to, he learned a lot of good information. I doubt he will use most of it though.'

Unaware that he was being judged Azemo headed to the governor's house. It was easy enough to find as it was the sole house in the city and even Azemo was able to spot it.

As Azemo neared the house, it was evident where he was supposed to go. A line of twenty or so people were waiting to talk to a single man. Azemo quickly joined the line and began to wait while Bella and Ima decided to go back to sleep. Azemo patted them on their heads before ushering them into the room bag. Night was nearing once again thanks to Indigo's long winded explanations.

Surprisingly the line of twenty or so people quickly vanished and Azemo walked forward. As Azemo stood in front of the man's desk the man did not even look up.

"Hi, I'm Azemo and I am looking for a job."

The man looked up and responded. "Thank you for introducing yourself. My name is Bruce and I can help you find a job." Bruce quickly pulled out a long piece of paper with all sorts of jobs on it.

'Come to think of it, why can I understand this language?'

"Why would I make a world and then make up a completely new language. My test is designed for demon lords, so why the hell, would I make it impossible for you to understand the inhabitants?" The orb's voice shocked Azemo but he recovered and turned his attention to Bruce's list.

There were so many jobs and Azemo immediately got lost.

"Could you please suggest something, preferably something that pays a good amount. Also don't worry if it is dangerous I can handle myself."

"I couldn't help but notice that you had two massive cats, if you are good with big animals, this is the perfect job for you." Bruce pointed at a job leaving Azemo no time to wonder why he had noticed Bella and Ima but not Azemo when he had stood right in front of Bruce's face.

Azemo glanced at the job, missing the description and jumping straight to the pay. Ten yellow coins a week! No other job that Azemo had seen came close to this amount.

"I will take this job."

"Very good unfortunately since this is a high paying job there will be a tournament held tomorrow to see who gets the position."

Azemo groaned inwardly, he was done with tournaments after his previous experience. But instead of voicing his thoughts he just said. "I will be there."

'Let's see who can beat the tournament master Azemo.' Azemo conveniently forgot that he had only really participated in one tournament before he was imprisoned.

Bruce wrote down something before inquiring. "Are you new to the city? If you are and you don't have lodging you can sleep in the Barracks."

Azemo had planned to just find some secluded spot to put his room bag but Indigo had told him sleeping on the streets was illegal so he was glad to hear about somewhere to stay.

"I don't have a place to stay but I am broke and have zero monies."

"Not to worry it is free to sleep in the Barracks. Okay you can go to barrack number seventeen and bed five is all yours. See you tomorrow."

As Azemo turned away after thanking Bruce and the line quickly filled up again. Azemo missed the fact that the line that had dwindled while he was there instantly shot back up as he headed to the Barracks and the promised bed five.

When he arrived at the Barracks Azemo used (skill) Blend In on his feet so they would make less noise. He didn't want to wake anyone up on his first night. However, as he entered the small room filled with beds no one was in sight. It seemed that the other people worked late. As for the actual room there was nothing very interesting about it and it seemed more of a tent than anything else.

Only when Azemo lay down to sleep did another person walk in. It was a short man who paid Azemo zero attention before passing out. Azemo didn't think about it too long and quickly went to sleep. The beds of the Barracks were astonishingly comfy.

The night passed without a hitch and Azemo awoke to the noises of his fellow Barrack users moving about. Apparently their day started long before Azemo's.

As Azemo was already awake he decided to head over to the tournament area he did not want to be late after all. After eating one of his skewers and giving two to both Ima and Bella, he headed off. He did not talk to a single one of his cabin mates because they did not seem to want to give him the time of day.

It was lucky for Azemo that he had decided to leave early because as soon as he made his way to Bruce, Bruce quickly said. "You made it just in time, the tournament is about to start."

"I thought you said the tournament was… never mind."

"Okay last call for anyone who wants to try and get the job." Bruce shouted. No one responded.

"Congratulations. You got the job Azemo. You are now the royal walker here is your badge."

Azemo was a little confused because he had expected some kind of tournament but he kept his mouth closed, he wasn't going to complain about getting the job. The badge Bruce gave was circular and made from a similar material to the currency but it depicted an odd looking animal on it.

"Alright I think someone should be here to pick you up." Bruce went back to his desk and only then did Azemo realize that it was a bit odd that Bruce dropped everything just to help him.

As he was pondering this phenomenon a tall thin woman walked up and led him away without speaking a word. Azemo tried opening his mouth a couple of times and was completely ignored even when he used the introduction hack.

The woman led him towards the governor's house and around the back. Behind the house was a large stable that seemed to shake every now and then. Whatever was in there obviously wanted out.

"Your job is to walk Reginald every morning. All you have to do is walk him and others will do the cleaning up."

Azemo wondered how a simple dog walking job could earn so much money. He stopped wondering when he saw the "dog".

Reginald was unlike anything he had ever seen. He was a massive thing covered in fur with large paws but the interesting part about him was his head. The head was large and round with fur all over, covering the eyes. Azemo thought the head looked like a giant ball of fur, the mouth did little to change that image. The mouth was barely noticeable hidden behind a mountain of fur but the sheer size of Reginald was a bit frightening. He was bigger than the Zepsile, around thirty feet long and after seeing how he shook the barn Azemo could tell he was a wild one.

'Maybe I can talk to him.'

"Hello Reginald."

Reginald did not respond; he was apparently not a monster or the orb had made Azemo temporarily unable to talk to monsters.

"I have done my job. Take the rest of the day off and report here tomorrow at dawn." The tall woman closed the barn and walked off.

Azemo's dream of a simple job was dashed but he intended to make the most of it.