Wall Flower

It was time for Azemo to finally enter the governor's house and as he put on his suit he was running over his plan.

"Alright you two, just keep the room bag safe and otherwise you can do whatever you want. But be prepared to run in case I mess up the mission."

The only response Azemo got was a large yawn. Bella and Ima obviously were not taking this as seriously as Azemo.

As Azemo left the room he took inventory of everything he had on him. The communicator was tucked behind his royal walker badge, he had the two knife handles attached to his sleeves and of course he had his gauntlets in bracelet form.

While he did feel prepared it would be the first time in forever since Azemo did not have the supplies of his room bag, Ceravin and Shining Starlight.

Azemo made his way to the docks and for once people actually looked at him. They had odd looks because like Azemo, most of the people in the poorer part of the city had never seen the world's formal attire.

'I guess a suit is more interesting than two giant tiger monsters.' Azemo had made it to the ground and more people were looking at his odd outfit.

On the way to the governor's house Azemo met up with Glen who was dressed in a plain button up shirt. One of them was either overdressed or underdressed.

"Those clothes look expensive Azemo."

"I thought we were supposed to be ultra formal and my friend made them for me." Azemo wondered if Casen was actually the one who made the suit because he had seemed awfully knowledgeable about suit measurements.

At the mansion Azemo and Glen could see lights so they walked towards the front door for the first time ever.

The door was open and after a guard checked their badges that showed that they worked for the governor, they were let in.

The big house was rather plain on the inside. One might expect that there would be paintings or sculptures but from what Azemo could see the mansion was rather barren. There wasn't even that much furniture.

Azemo and Glen continued to the main room of the party and were hit with a rather oppressive aura.

The room was full of people who worked for the governor but the atmosphere was extremely somber. No one was having fun and instead it looked as if they were all still working.

A man with an odd looking metal stone was prancing all over the room and Azemo would later learn that the man was taking pictures of the event. 'Gotta make the governor look good I guess.'

Azemo and Glen sat down next to Slicker and Jin who had already arrived at the event. Judging by their outfits Azemo was the overdressed one but no one made any sort of comment. It was just too stifling and no one wanted to break the silence.

'It is going to be difficult to sneak out if the party is this solemn. If anyone makes an odd move everyone else will catch them instantly.'

Azemo decided to be patient and looked around trying to find the governor. The governor was nowhere to be seen, yet all the party people were acting as if he would pop up like the boogeyman.

Finally the silence was broken when the tall woman, who seemed to be in charge of everything, walked to the front of the group.

"The governor will be here shortly. Please be on your best behavior, we wouldn't want anyone to lose their job on a day of celebration."

If the atmosphere was stiff before, it was now like that of an army. No one dared to move a muscle as they waited for the arrival of their employer.

The tense feeling reverberated around the room and after what felt like hours the governor finally showed himself.

He was not how Azemo had expected him to be. Instead of a short fat balding man with some ridiculous moustache or something, the governor was a tall broad shouldered man with a clean shaven face. As he entered the room he began to speak. His voice was powerful and commanding like one might expect from a military general.

"Welcome loyal workers, thank you for coming." No one dared grumble that they were forced into attending and the governor continued.

"Tonight I will give some of my best performing workers gifts, but that will be nearer to the end of the evening. For now please enjoy yourself this is a party after all. Let's see some life." The governor finished his speech with a broad smile that maybe he thought was comforting. What most of the people there saw was the smile of a man who was going to rip them in half if they did not comply.

The party instantly became more lively and the photographer went into a frenzy running to and fro. However, even though there was more movement at the part that forced feeling was still overbearing and if one looked closely they would see that the party goers were just going through the motions.

Still, it was the perfect time for Azemo to move. The governor was busy talking to the tall woman and everyone was focused on not displeasing the governor.

After ducking down behind a table Azemo used (skill) Blend In and quietly slipped out of the room unnoticed.

The rest of the house was dark and no one was about, everyone but a couple of guards were in the room with the governor.

Azemo quickly left the first floor and headed straight to the stairs. Thanks to Bella and Ima's scouting he knew there was nothing of interest on the ground floor.

The second floor was just as sparsely decorated as the first floor except for a single painting that hung on a wall. The painting portrayed a small cabin in a beautiful forest. Azemo paid little attention to the art and made his way to the bedroom.

The door was unlocked and Azemo entered with ease. In the room was a massive four post bed and a dresser. There was nothing else in the room and after looking in every nook and cranny Azemo found absolutely nothing.

'There is still the study.'

The next room that Azemo went to was locked but that did not slow him down. Azemo pulled one of the knives off of his sleeve and activated it. He then cut the hinges off of the door. In the Lightning Sword's house he had cut around the lock and Azemo now felt like that was bad luck.

The door fell over but Azemo caught it and placed it on the ground without a sound.

The inside of the room was dusty, like it had never been cleaned before. The cleaners were probably not allowed inside the room.

After a preliminary search Azemo found nothing in the seemingly empty room but a disparity of dust led him to the fireplace.

'Why did I not notice that there was a fireplace here, there is never a time where a fireplace would be necessary in this climate.'

Azemo walked over to the fireplace and began a thorough search. At first there was nothing but as Azemo reached up, his hand hit something metal.

Azemo continued to pry around and found a keyhole. Azemo activated the knife again, but the size of the blade made him worry. He did not want to damage the contents of the metal container.

With intense focus Azemo activated his right hand gauntlet and a familiar green glow filled the office. Azemo extended the blade and slowly began to change the shape of the weapon suppressing most of its powers. The gauntlet part disappeared completely and the blade shrunk down to the length of Azemo's pinky.

With careful precision Azemo cut open the metal container and pulled out a small bundle of papers.

He gave the papers a cursory glance before stowing them inside a hidden pocket in the suit.

The papers were exactly what Lleh was looking for!