The Wonderful Life of Mr. Warrencraft

Azemo opened his eyes to see the blazing sun in the sky, apparently he had slept for a full twenty four hours.

Azemo smiled to himself because it had been a long time since he had gotten to sleep for that long. The only downside was that he did not get to share the experience with his bed. The room bag was still a mystery to Lleh and Azemo wanted to keep it that way.

Azemo moved his body around and surprisingly it was nowhere near as sore as it was the day before. It still felt tired and worn out but he could do simple movements no problem. As Azemo relished in having the ability to move on his own he glanced around and saw his companions in the cart.

Ima and Bella had grown again. They were now about the size of a real tiger meaning all their stats got increased.

Ima was sitting next to Azemo, seemingly relaxed, while Bellania was running beside the carriage dealing with anything that dared attack the cart.

"You guys are so big."

"Funny what happens when you don't treat us like babies."

It seemed that Imagine was still upset with him and it took a couple more minutes before she told him about the benefits of their growth.

Apparently their bloodline abilities did not get upgraded but they got a massive boost to their favorite characteristic. Ima got a boost to her control and Bellania got a boost to her strength, of course.

"One more question, why does it seem like Bellania is doing all the work?"

"Well she enjoys fighting, plus we have a bond that makes us always grow at the same time."

Ima looked pleased with herself but as she noticed Azemo's mouth opening again she quickly said.

"Before you say that I am not doing anything, the only one who is not doing anything is you, I am studying and have gotten a decent comprehension of the basic language."

In the past the humans and demons spoke different languages but in current times everyone spoke the basic language and the old languages were only used for ceremony.

Azemo closed his mouth and looked around for the bag the Lleh agent had given to him. Azemo was doing nothing, so he might as well learn who he was supposed to become.

In the bag was a small photo book with pictures of some persons family, a smaller bag filled with money and a piece of paper covered in writing.

Azemo chose the paper with writing on it and saw that it was a description of the person he was impersonating.

His new name would be Warrencraft and as Azemo looked for a last name he saw Casen's messy scrawl next to the name.

'Since you don't seem to know much about the comings and goings of Kclzan, I will help you learn some stuff. Everyone in this world only has a first name unless they become successful enough to get someone powerful to give them a last name.'

How Casen knew Azemo would not know this information was a mystery to Azemo but the note continued.

'Your name is your father's last name. It is customary for parents with last names to give their first born their last name as a first name.'

With that Casen's note ended and Azemo learned more about this Warrencraft.

Warrencraft was the son of an extremely wealthy merchant and was a very snooty individual. He had grown up sheltered and privileged which led to the kind of personality Azemo hated the most.

Originally Warrencraft was from a major city in Kclzan but the reason he was going to Srenti was because he was trying to start something for himself. The real Warrencraft would not actually do something like that, but Azemo needed a reason for Warrencraft to leave the comfort of his home.

After going over the Warrencraft's bio, Azemo looked over the section that showed his mission.

Lleh wanted Azemo to befriend one, Silverstein. Silverstein was another son of a rich man. Specifically Silverstein was the son of Gane Silverstein, the merchant that supplied the government with whatever they wanted.

Azemo was supposed to get in good with Silverstein, the son, and learn what sort of things his father sold to the government. Lleh wanted to be well prepared before they started their revolution publicly.

After reading his mission, Azemo noticed that Casen had scrawled something bellow the details of the mission. It read.

'Bonus mission! Convince Silverstein to support Lleh or steal some money. We are really poor right now.'

Azemo laughed and held little hope for Casen's request. In Azemo's experience no one was very loose with their money.

The final thing on the messy piece of paper was an address and a name. The address, House number seven hundred twelve, was to be Azemo's home in Srenti and the name, Lixen, was his butler who was also a member of Lleh. Casen told Azemo to ask Lixen for any clarifications before telling Azemo to destroy the paper.

Azemo burned the paper with (skill) Flames of Death. Azemo still felt that it was amusing that his only healing skill still caused damage.

After the paper had vanished into thin air, (skill) Flames of Death reminded him of something, the metal leaf he had gotten when he burned the painting.

Azemo took out the leaf and something prompted him to infuse it with his mana. As his mana explored the object Azemo got the feeling that the leaf was missing something, he also heard a voice. The voice spoke softly and only said.

"House number two." After those words were uttered the leaf remained silent.

'What could that mean. I guess I will need to explore this House number two.'

Azemo's immense intellect was confused by what this leaf could be.

"We are approaching the city. Those cats of yours should go back to looking like normal cats."

The old man spoke up and made Azemo realize that night was approaching. Azemo had spent most of the day processing information.

Azemo called Bellania into the carriage. As Bella jumped in, the entire cart rocked and the driver's steed almost fell over.

"Sorry." Azemo quickly used (skill) Incognito on the sisters and they shrunk back into their house cat forms. Azemo accidentally closed his tome after he used the skill and learned something.

After his last magycka evolution he could now cast a skill and it would remain active even if the book closed.

'I wish I had known that earlier.' Azemo grumbled to himself.

As for Bella and Ima's roles in the mission, Azemo was told that pets were uncommon and they should just stay in the house.

Azemo planned for them to just do their usual scouting of the city and House number two.

"Okay I will leave you here, just activate your residency pass." They had arrived in the ground city of Srenti.

"Thank you. I mean I already knew that." Azemo tried to act how he thought Warrencraft would act.

It was going to be harder than he expected.