The Benefits of Money

Azemo pushed his residency pass and he began to ascend to a new city in the sky. As he rose Azemo looked around and unsurprisingly the landscape of Srenti was the same as Crnst. There was sand as far as the eye could see with rocks being the only thing that broke up the monotony.

Azemo looked back towards the city and saw that the docks were already in sight. They looked the same as the ones in Crnst so Azemo instantly recognized them.

However Azemo continued to rise past the docks and over most of the city. It seemed the rich did not even live on the same level as those in the middle class.

Finally the upward force stopped making Azemo rise and he got the chance to see the wealth of the world of Kclzan.

The docks that greeted him were pearly white and spotless. As he stepped onto the docks an intricate arch invited him into the city.

As a guard began to approach him, Azemo gave the guard a Lightning Sword look, meaning he gave his most over the top look of arrogance. Even though Azemo thought he looked extremely comical the guard quickly retreated away from Azemo. It seemed that the guard was used to that sort of treatment.

Azemo walked out of the sparkling docks and started to see the rest of the town. The theme was sparkling white. Every building seemed to be white and the walls were carved with all sorts of designs.

After the governor's house Azemo had expected something much more spartan, but apparently the wealthy enjoyed having something pleasant to look at.

While the buildings were white Azemo looked down and saw that there was a green pathway below his feet. There were also very few pieces of technology and everything had a handmade look. Instead of lamps, orbs floated in the sky seemingly untouched by gravity. At the moment they were unlit but at night time Azemo expected to see a spectacle.

As Azemo looked around the beautiful city he noticed that he was sticking out like a sore thumb. None of the people walking around even glanced at the gorgeous scenery so Azemo quickly put his head down.

But that was not the right move and Azemo soon changed his position to the lifeless confidence that the people around him wore.

'I should probably get to my house before I blow my cover.'

Azemo beckoned over a nearby guard and made the guard give him instructions. During the whole conversation Azemo did his best not to let any pleasantries out of his mouth.

The deadpan guard did not react just giving Azemo the directions and Azemo headed towards a row of pristine houses.

In the poorer parts of the city houses would be so close to each other it was like they were the same building, but in the wealthy streets houses were so far apart that one could put a whole house in the gaps.

House seven hundred and twelve was bigger than anything Azemo had ever seen but compared to the houses in the area it seemed to be on the smaller side.

Azemo looked around and found that he was alone on the street, something that would never happen in the rest of the city.

Breathing a sigh of relief Azemo slumped out of the uncomfortable position that the wealthy used and entered the house.

"Welcome Master Warrencraft."

Azemo started in surprise when he saw that servants were lined up on the sides of the hallway.

'I thought it was just going to be me and the butler.' Azemo groaned and quickly fixed his posture before walking past all the servants without giving them a second look.

There were about twelve of them and after he walked past them Azemo wondered where he was supposed to go. The hall led to three different rooms and Azemo was at a loss of direction.

Warrencraft would never admit to a mistake so Azemo just looked up at the ceiling, waiting for someone to tell him where to go.

An old man with a thick grey moustache hurried over to Warrencraft and led him to a small study.

"Are you Lixen?"

"Yes sir, I am Lixen your head butler."

"Thank god." Azemo used (skill) Hover to manipulate Ceravin to close the door and he collapsed on the desk.

"You really had me there for a second, I thought the higher ups had actually sent me some spoiled brat."

"Thanks, I guess, but that takes way too much energy." Azemo still had his head on the desk hoping for it to be bedtime.

"Do I have to do anything today and how am I supposed to act around the rest of the servants."

"I will clear your schedule for the rest of the day and as for the servants they are not part of Lleh so you need to keep your act up around them."

"Agh, this desk tastes pretty good." Azemo was not ready to walk past all those servants again.

"Anyways Lixen, what does a rich person even do all day?"

"Usually just sit around but you have to appear to manage your business and attend social events. You do have to seduce someone's son after all."

"You make it sound so weird." Azemo did not take part in the banter because he had already lost the energy he gained from his day long nap.

Lixen just laughed at his own joke before speaking up again.

"Would you like me to show you to your bed sir."

"When you talk like that it makes me uncomfortable, but yes I do want to sleep for a year."

"I have to talk like this and you can't sleep for a year, I will have someone wake you tomorrow."

Somewhere in the room bag the alarm clock learned that it would not be needed and it was able to relax. The reason Azemo could not find an alarm clock in Kclzan was because the wealthy people had servants wake them up and the poor had no extra money for something like that.

"Fine but can you check that no one is there before we leave this room, so I don't need to break my back."

Lixen just laughed as he left the room and Azemo could hear him telling the rest of the servants something.

When Lixen returned he led Azemo up to a huge bedroom with an enormous bed.

"Thanks Lixen, I sleep now." Azemo sunk into the big bed and Lixen quietly left the room.

Even though the bed was enormous it was not as comfy as some of the beds Azemo had slept in, but nonetheless Azemo had a long night of sleep.

Azemo was dreaming of Kaede's castle when he was gently shaken awake.

"Sir, Lixen told me to wake you."

"Thanks, I am awake." Azemo kept his eyes shut as he spoke those words and the shaker kept on shaking.

"You actually have to wake up sir."

Azemo groaned and rolled onto the floor making a loud crashing noise.

"Oh no, are you okay?"

Azemo finally opened his eyes and saw a young maid worriedly looking about. 'Oh yeah I am in Srenti now.'

Azemo slowly stood up and bowed.

"Thank you, how were my acrobatics? That will be all for now."

The maid left extremely confused but at least she had accomplished her task.

Azemo opened the room bag and got Bella and Ima out.

"Okay you two, go out and explore." The two cats jumped out a nearby window and they would have a much more interesting day then Azemo.

First, Azemo got to eat a big breakfast all alone. After the meal Lixen met up with him and outlined the day for Azemo.

"Today you need to be spotted in the business sector, you are supposed to be a businessman so don't act too weird."

"I feel like you are always laughing at me Lixen, also what sort of business do people actually do in this city."

"Businesses in the upper levels usually are very impractical and have to do with odd things."

All the essential jobs were already taken care of by the lower class so wealthy business people had to come up with unique ways to make money. Of course there were people like Silverstein's father, who owned companies that made money from the poor, but most wealthy people did not have businesses that affected the rest of the world.

Wealth was passed down and only a select few individuals made money from the lower classes.

"Do you have any idea what type of business you want to start?"

"A shop that sells hats!"

Azemo wanted to sell people the most ridiculous hats he could think of.

"Okay, then today you need to find someone to supply materials and people to make your hats. Lleh already secured a building you can use as a shop."

Lixen always glanced around before he whispered the name Lleh and Azemo found that to be quite amusing.

After their discussion Azemo left the house to begin his life as a person with a lot of money.