Failure and Hats

Azemo walked through the almost empty streets towards the business sector. Every city he had been to in Kclzan had been extremely segmented and the wealthy part of town was no different.

The first place Lixen told Azemo to go to was a building called Everything. The building was the only part of the rich city that was connected to the middle class and it was where rich people got the materials for their projects.

'I know nothing about hats, so I should probably just get a bunch of random stuff.'

"Welcome sir, please let me know if you need anything."

The servants and workers on this level of the city seemed to be much more active than their counterparts below them, but Azemo still sensed a sort of emptiness behind their actions. Maybe they were part of the brainwashed populace.

Azemo was still a little bit unsure about the whole brainwashing thing, but he did not really have a better idea so it was all he had to go off of.

"I want to talk to someone who can sell me materials in the bulk."

"Very good sir, right this way." The worker led Azemo up to a counter and pulled out a book filled with all sorts of things. "Please select what you would like, then we can discuss quantity."

Azemo had checked the money bag that Lleh had sent and while it was more money than he had ever seen, Azemo knew he would need to use it sparingly in the rich city. Therefore he decided to go after cheaper materials to start out.

Azemo picked cotton fabric, which was very inexpensive, some chunks of a cheap metal and some sewing equipment. His total came to about half of the money Lleh gave him.

'I hope people will actually buy some of these hats or I am going to go bankrupt.'

Azemo collected the materials that the worker had put into a large bag and without a second thought he hoisted it onto his shoulder. The worker just looked shocked but was too scared to question the mysterious Master Warrencraft.

Azemo was still frazzled from wasting so much money that he was shocked when a well dressed young man stopped him.

"Are you really going to carry all that by yourself?"

"What am I doing at this very second?" Azemo was too busy thinking about all the food the money could have bought and had completely forgotten that he was supposed to be Warrencraft.

The young man in front of him seemed shocked but he quickly recovered.

"I can get someone to carry it for you, we can't have anyone saying my father's store won't even help with the delivery of purchased goods."

"It is no trouble really. My shop is right down the road."

The young man seemed quite perturbed that his customer was so insistent on refusing a free service so he changed the subject.

"I don't think I have seen you around town before. If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

"Oh, uh, pardon my manners, my name is Warrencraft and I just entered the city yesterday." Azemo remembered at the last second reminding himself that his act had completely fallen.

"Warrencraft...hmm that sounds familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"

"That's probably my father, he is quite famous and the reason I decided to try and make my own fortune in a new city."

"How quaint."

"I don't believe I ever learned your name, good sir."

"Oh sorry about that, you can call me Silver."

"Nice to meet you, now I must be off." Azemo was floundering in his talk with this wealthy person and he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Silver looked a little frazzled at being blown off, but he was a professional so he just said.

"You should come to my banquet tomorrow evening. It will be a good way for you to meet everyone."

"I would like that." Sophisticated Azemo did not know what else to say, but he knew the party would be a good way to meet his target.

"Very good. It starts after sundown." Silver moved as if to walk away but Azemo stopped him.

"Uh sorry I don't believe you told me where to go."

"Oh my apologies, I forgot you are new. The party will be at my father's house, house number two."

"Your father, so that makes you Silverstein the son." Azemo was quite shocked with his discovery and hoped his face did not show it.

"Oh I thought you would have figured it out sooner, but yes I am Silverstein the son."

"Good day." Azemo hurried off before Silverstein could say anything.

'I've done miffed it up.' Azemo's idea of a wealthy person came from movies and he connected them with British people.

While Azemo was cursing himself for being so stupid and leaving such a bad first impression, Silver was watching the receding back of Azemo thinking to himself. 'What an odd fellow. At least he is somewhat interesting.'

Azemo spent the rest of the day being upset about his social blunders while he looked for a craftsman.

First Azemo deposited his materials in the shop before he went around town. All the craftsmen seemed like unskilled snooty people so the search was unsuccessful.

'I don't think there is a law against bringing up lower class people to work for me. Most people are just prejudiced so they stick to the people of this level.'

With this brilliant plan in mind Azemo quickly descended into a lower level of the city and put up a job posting. As he was waiting images of a sweatshop were conjured in his mind, but Azemo quickly cast them aside. He would pay them the same salary as his royal walker job, which was a high paying job in Kclzan.

After a few hours of waiting Azemo had all sorts of applicants lined up. Most of them were excited about the high pay and the chance to work in the upper city.

'I should probably have brought some sort of test or something.'

"Um thank you for coming so quickly. I will administer some tests to see how suited you all are, for the job." The last part of the sentence was quickly added on as Azemo was trying to come up with a test.

Azemo pulled out some spare materials from the room bag and quickly sketched up a ridiculous hat. He did not know anything about making hats, so Azemo wanted someone who could create headwear just from a picture.

Most of the people failed at creating Azemo's monstrosity of a hat. It was a sun hat with all sorts of weird and wacky flowers all over it.

Azemo was starting to give up hope of finding anyone who could accomplish his impossible request when he finally found someone.

It was an old woman who only used a basic sewing needle, that had managed to capture all the details Azemo wanted.

"I would like to hire you, please."

"Thank you so much."

"Also could you please choose two people you want to help you."

The old woman chose two others from the gathered crowd and Azemo brought them up to the wealthy part of the city.

At the pearly docks the guard looked like he wanted to say something but after a glance from Warrencraft the guard retreated away from the group.

Azemo led his new workers to the shop before he explained their situation.

"Are you guys okay with staying in the city for most of the time?"

The two assistants immediately agreed, they did not have any family in Srenti but the old lady said she did not want to stop seeing her grandchildren.

"I guess I can come pick you up in the mornings before you start working." Azemo muttered. "As for you two you guys can stay in the room over the store. I will have my butler get you set up and clothe you so you can walk around as you please when you are not working."

The two quickly thanked him and Azemo took them to see Lixen and sent the old woman home, after promising to pick her up at sunrise.

'I guess it is time to start setting up shop.'

Azemo cleaned up the whole shop, which was separated into two rooms on the bottom floor.

"This front room can be for display and the back room can be for making hats."

Azemo started to put tables in the front room to put hats on. Even though they were basic tables, basic tables in the wealthy city were quite extravagant.

After he set up the tables Azemo put the single hat that the old woman had made on display. Next, Azemo went to the back room and set up all the materials in an orderly fashion.

All the fabrics were hung up and the sewing tools were neatly stacked in the corner. This room only got a single table and three chairs, but that was enough for his workers.

'I need some sort of catchy name.' Azemo was surprisingly into owning a shop and he wanted to give it the best name possible.

Azemo went outside to look at his store hoping a flash of inspiration would overcome him.