A Voice From the Past

Kaede motioned for him to stop and Azemo quickly froze, he had absolute trust in his master.

"There is an odd mark here on the wall and I was worried it was a trap, but we are fine."

Kaede continued to move forward, entering the passage that was next to the mark. She had taken the lead because the number of monsters was getting much scarcer.

It was odd because it was normal to expect that there would be more monsters deeper into the lair, but after the pool there were none to be found.

Azemo took a peek at the mark because who wouldn't and his heart sank. It was that same symbol of a sword making a crescent slash.

'What can this mean?' Azemo did not want to worry Kaede, so he stupidly kept his thoughts to himself.

The mark seemed to be following him and Azemo wanted to solve the problem without inconveniencing Kaede.

The only issue with that plan, was that Azemo was sure to lose to whoever made the mark if he did not have his equipment.