Enter the Lair

Azemo woke up, after Kaede picked him up and threw him onto the ground.

"I did not miss that." Azemo groaned as he was reminded of how the Spear Goddess woke up her student.

"You don't want breakfast, or what?"

Azemo instantly shut his mouth; he was not going to jeopardize his chance to eat.

"So have you been? Your master is curious."

Azemo felt so content around Kaede, he had forgotten that she had missed out on all of his adventures.

Therefore he decided to start the story with Kclzan. He did not hold anything back and told Kaede everything unabashed. If he could not trust his master, Azemo would be in a terrible state.

Because of that, Kaede learned a lot of demon kinds' secrets, but they were rather useless, seeing that there were basically zero demons.

Kaede listened to the whole story of Kclzan seemingly unimpressed.

"Hold up, you sold hats, I can't imagine you dealing with customers."

"That is the only thing that interests you in this whole story."