An Emperor's Burden

A very apparent weakness of the demon lord known as Azemo, was that he was extremely easy to distract, out of battle.

That fact by itself was probably not very important, but Azemo thought of it as a crushing weakness when he heard the shouts. He had only just entered the main road and he was already attracting attention. At first Azemo was not sure why he was the center of attention, until his sharp ears picked up the humans' words.

"That is the crown that was given to emperor Zaellis."

"I would recognize it anywhere, that holy gleam is impossible to fake."

"Do you think that is Zaellis with a disguise?"

"He is probably powerful enough."

"Wow, he wants to spend time around his people, too bad he is dumb."

The voices were excited and they rushed and tumbled into Azemo's ears and he slowly reached to feel above his head.

Sure enough, Azemo could feel a small crown hovering a couple of centimeters above his head.