The Final Leg of the Journey

Of all the roads Azemo had travelled, in the magical world, the one to the capital was the strangest. He was used to empty paths and few travelers, but the main roads were crowded the entire duration of his journey. That probably had something to do with the fact that they were called the main roads.

Anyways, as Azemo drew nearer to the capital he noticed that the people cared less and less about a dirty child on their own. When Azemo was in the outskirts of the human empire, everyone was very nice and welcoming. However, on the path to the capital the humans could not care any less about their fellow travelers.

Everyone was in a hurry and it felt like they were the robots of Kclzan because they never even looked in his direction. It might have even been worse than Kclzan because the carriage drivers made no efforts to avoid travelers and Azemo had needed to dive out of the way multiple times.