An Unfortunate Meeting

A few hours in the past.

Kaede slipped upstairs, without a soul noticing her. She was like an invisible person because no one knew who she was.

It was only a matter of time before she made it to the top floor and Kaede was a bit careless as she reached the last stair. Stepping onto the top level of the building, Kaede quickly leaped to the ceiling as a guard walked towards the stairs.

Kaede kicked herself, she had been distracted and she could not afford to make any mistakes. Luckily, the guard just shrugged off the creaking of the floorboards and returned to his route.

Like a spider, Kaede scuttled along the beams in the ceiling, as she searched for the door. After a couple of minutes, using the guards, she was able to find her target. The guards all passed by the door on their routes and there was only a few minutes when the door was left unattended.