It Wasn't Me (for once)

"My Lord, now is not the right time. Remember what Imagine said."

Azemo did not respond and he could feel a heat start to fill up his body. The nobles saw Zaellis striding purposefully towards the stairs and the crowd parted in an instant.

The Supreme General naturally saw the single person walking through the crowd and he remained at the balcony. He had been about to join the party, but he stood still as something was pinging his radar.

Azemo clenched his fists as he got closer to the human who had started it all. From what Azemo knew, it was the Supreme General who had taken the war with demon kind to the next level. Without that atrocious being, he would still have Zaebos, Sillis and all the demons who had welcomed him into the world.

Two guards stepped forward to stop Zaellis, telling him he had to remain on the first floor.