Within Reach

"Why is a being of your status in my forest?"

Akoda had already introduced himself and gotten the pleasantries out of the way when he asked the important question.

Azemo could feel the power in the simple words, but he could not help himself, he was entranced. The guardian of the forest was just too charming. Akoda was that dog one would see out and about and they would instantly know he was the perfect dog.

In his past life, Azemo had always loved dogs and in his life as a demon he had never met one. As such, meeting such an amazing animal was breaking his brain.

"I um… sorry what was the question?"

Ah the perfect way to respond to the questioning of a powerful being when you are in an extremely weakened state.

"Why are you here, in this forest?"

Azemo rid his mind of all thoughts of cute dogs and focused all his attention on a tall tree to the right of Akoda.