Off to the Mountain

The day had finally come, it was time to leave. Azemo packed his bags, or just the room bag, nothing else was really necessary, and left the house. Looking back on the house, Azemo was sure he would remember it for a long time to come. It was in that home that he had spent some of the most blissful time, in the magical world.

Slowly he walked through the village, glancing at the sky and engraving the extraordinary houses into his mind.

"Have fun on your journey Furball!"

Azemo turned his head away from a building, which he had learned was a bakery and waved to an old lady with a massive bear paw instead of her left hand. 

In the weeks following Azemo's confession, after he had been caught sneaking out of the house, Azemo had told Sinna and Attila everything and Azemo had gotten much closer to the villagers.