The Path of Corruption

Azemo walked through the forest, axe in hand, no one was allowed to slow him down.

As he had spent most of the time training with the agrestrals, Azemo's axe skills were not very proficient and Azemo wanted to rectify that mistake.

*Swish. Clunk.*

With a clean powerful slice, Azemo decapitated the lunging monster, in an instant and as his axe cleaved through the creature's neck the axe continued forward, crashing into the dirt. Azemo could still not quite control the weapon and the follow through of his attacks were much too wild.

*Swish. Clunk.*

Dodging to the side, Azemo swung upwards with great precision, slicing the deer-like monster in half.

Reginald could see the potential in the weapon. Every time Azemo swung the axe, it was a crisp perfect cut, something that a machine would do, exuding power that could end a foe in an instant.

*Swish. Clunk.*